Cutting down on drinking alcohol - Fertility Network UK

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Cutting down on drinking alcohol

ttcemmie profile image
11 Replies

Since being taken off the IVF journey until I get a hysteroscopy done to remove a suspected polyp, I've probably been drinking a bit too much wine now and then (not drinking too often, but just drinking too much when I do drink). Possibly to help with the pain of this whole journey and how lost and empty I feel. I did worry about posting this, as I did not want people to judge me thinking that I am making bad decisions and don't deserve to get pregnant etc., but I have come to the conclusion that I don't think it is actually helping and I want to get back to my healthy self so I am in the best possible place for the next round of IVF, be that in January or February. Also, I'm really not sure drinking is actually helping my emotions! Sure, it helps in the short-term, but the next day I do tend to feel a bit down (and, not to mention, sometimes tired!). I guess I'm just writing this for some accountability and some support, and to remind myself to be more sensible with the drinking.

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ttcemmie profile image
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11 Replies
HPLondon profile image

Sounds like a great plan, we’re all just doing our best. I read ‘the unexpected joy of being sober’ which I really enjoyed and made me think differently about drinking. It’s by an alcoholic who went sober but a lot of the same principles apply if you’re just cutting down etc. Good luck with it all x

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to HPLondon

Thanks for the recommendation! I have now reserved this at my local library.

Muminwaiting1 profile image

Completely understand every word you just wrote! Well done for being so honest.

After my failed cycle in 2016 , I turned to drink, it was the only thing that helped (so I thought) with the heartache of yet another failed dream! I felt useless, inferior & hopeless! Trust me when I say alcohol is not your friend, it will only make you feel worse.. it’s a short term solution that will bite you on the arse!

What found out ,was I couldn’t do both, I couldn’t be someone who drank, and feel good about myself.. the work starts on the inside! One you start to feel better about yourself.. amazing things do happen!

I completely gave up drinking in July 2018 and have been sober since.

I am just in the middle of my 2ww after transferring a 5 day blastocyst! Something I never got to before. Eggs were never good enough to freeze! I’m not saying stopping drinking has improved the quality of my eggs, but what I am saying my mind set is different now, I have to deal with things as they come, without the help of alcohol!

I’m in a different place mentally, and that is because I’ve put the drink down.

Good luck to you.. I wish you well on your journey xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Muminwaiting1

Thanks for this, Muminwaiting. It's helpful to hear someone else who has gone through it. I want to deal with this now before it spirals and gets out of control! It is something I have probably been a bit too reliant on in the past (when I was younger and messier), but I had really got a handle on it prior to going through IVF this year. Don't want to go backwards because of this awful journey! Well, not anymore than is necessary. Infertility is already messing with my headspace with regards to my career! Good luck on your embie implanting. Wishing you all the best with that.

Clover5 profile image

I think it’s really honest of you to admit and you shouldn’t be judged for it. we all try and do what we can to get through the most difficult times and sometimes that temporary relief from a drink, feels like the best option. I found that it wasn’t worth how much lower my mood would be for the days after I’d had a lot to drink. I think if you can consciously cut back and have the odd drink throughout the Xmas period and then you’ll be in a better position come January to stop all together in preparation for your IVF. Try not to be to hard on yourself though hun and enjoy your Xmas 💕😊xX

Alyssa123 profile image

Hi there! I hope you are doing well. First of all, stop thinking about other people. It's important for you to only focus on yourself for now. Other than that, alcohol stops you from getting pregnant. It reduces the chances and also affects the baby's health. Staying away from alcohol is a great idea when you are ttc. Talk to your husband, tell him what you are thinking. Share your thoughts with other people like friends or family, it will help you. You can also write a diary. Just don't lose your control over drinking. Good luck. Stay blessed. Take care. Bye!

CLDxxx profile image

Don’t be so hard on yourself lovely, we all turn to something when we are having a tough time and as long as you can get to that point of enough is enough, it is ok!

I really cut down on drinking to get ready for IVF, then for my FET and now if I drink I feel like sxxt the next day 😩as well as having massive come downs so why do I bother I wonder.... BUT! Sometimes it just helps me relax which is key in this process.

You’ve totally got this! Enjoy your Christmas whether it be to have a little drink or not at all and best of luck for your next cycle xxx

RhinoCat profile image

You know yourself. ..........Don’t be too hard on yourself .

Maybe pick a date for cut off or new limits for when you want some wine etc . You probably just needed a wee time out and don’t we all from this crazy journey! Do what’s right for you.

I’ve cut down majorly apart from the odd night of excess and I feel more in control of it all. I’m gonna be sensible over Christmas and have some mulled wine when friends come and some fizz etc on Christmas Day and might go back to zero as if I’m still growing eggs until my transfer. Then I can’t beat myself up or blame myself when things go wrong as I’ll be content with my choices. You find what’s manageable for YOUR journey . Hugs to you 💐

sadievalentie profile image

Hey! How are you? I hope you are doing good. You are not making a good choice. Drinking alcohol will damage your body more. You need to stay clean if you are willing to conceive. Drinking alcohol not only affects your fertility but it also affects the baby you are giving birth to. It goes in your body and ruins the health of your baby. Stay clean till you conceive successfully. Because you are not just risking your own fertility, but you are risking the life of the baby you are trying to conceive. I hope you understand this. Good luck tho. Stay blessed. Bye!

Caitlin-m profile image

I totally get why you would want to drink. It numbs it! I drank a lot after I had a miscarriage in the summer. It was what I needed to get though a tough time. It’s great that you’re starting to feel ready to cut that back now tho and get yourself fighting fit for IVF in the New Year. You can do it.

I would highly recommend an app called ‘mindful ivf’ as well to help you get mentally prepared.


LorrieWalden profile image

Hi there! How are you? I get why you are drinking, it takes the pain away for sometime. But you have to see the bigger picture here. It's not good for you in the long run. If you want to conceive successfully then you need to give up this habit. You need to quit drinking if you want to be a mother. I didn't even touch alcohol one time in my 5 years when i was trying to conceive. You need to make sacrifices to make it happen. I am so sorry for what you are going through, but try to write your thoughts somewhere or talk to someone. I will pray for you hon. Take good care of yourself. Good Luck next time. Goodbye!

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