So my clinic got my test day wrong. I called yesterday regarding the bleeding I was having and asked them to check my test day ....originally given as fri 13th which I would be 15dp3dt. And it was incorrect, it was today!
After having some heavier and reddish bleeding last night i had lost all my hope.
After my transfer i was filled with happiness and hope and positivity, and really thought it might be our time.
We had 10 eggs, 5 fertilised, 2 3day embryos transferred and the remaining 3 didn't survive.
Our last round on NHS, nothing frozen to use, no money to self fund, we feel so broken and lost and numb. I thought we might have the best xmas present in the world but I was not meant to be.
This is unfair, cruel and emotionally draining.
Lots of love to you all, time for the sofa, wine, chocolate, sugar, hot baths, caffeine, more wine more chocolate and try to get through xmas the best we can.
No doubt I will be on action plan stations in the next few days asking you all sorts of questions ๐