So after a fairly long wait, we are finally accepted for NHS funding. We got referred from our doctors to Blackpool hospital in February after a year of tests, then more tests from February until August, we were then discharged from Blackpool and referred to Liverpool in August where we started moving forward quickly. September and beginning October we had appointments at Liverpool but then we got discharged from there too which was a little confusing but we went with the flow. Filled lots of forms in and hoped for the best, now 6 weeks later we have been accepted for 1 full cycle at Liverpool. My next appointment is next Tuesday 2nd Dec. Finally feel like we're on the right track after nearly 3 years of trying for a family. Im so excited but nervous. Is anyone else at the same stage? Also does anyway know what these next steps / stages will hold and how quickly things may now move forward? Thanks in advance and hope that everyone's journey is going great.
We've been accepted for funding!! - Fertility Network UK
We've been accepted for funding!!

Congratulations, I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful chapter for you. Hopefully someone can come along and explain the next steps as it’s all a bit of a muddle in my brain now. I went through the process very early this year and then had a wedding before having a successful frozen egg transfer in August so the order of things is a little hazy. Good luck. x
Hey Beaver84
How exciting like finally something positive and good is happening. I'm at the exact same stage as you already got my 1st appointment at choose hospital for treatment. My appoint is later than yours on 12th dec. So nervous aswel like you, but exciting if it works xxxx
I get the general telling everyone's journey is totally seperate and different. Keep me posted I your journey and i wish you all the luck x
Hello! I think the next steps will differ for everyone but this is what happened for me when I got referred to our hospital. Even though we, like you, had had plenty of tests, my partner was asked to give sperm samples and I was asked to do bloods again. They will then likely book a first appointment you go with your partner and they will ask you to empty your bladder. They'll go over the sperm results (looking for motility, morphology and count) nd your blood results, looking specifically at AmH levels and FSH levels. You may already know what your results are likely to be at this stage from previous tests but they like to do it again anyway. They will also check your uterine space in that meeting to look at your womb shape and lining. They might be looking for fibroids, checking your ovaries, and whether they look the right shape, and whether your womb looks the right shape. Then they will book you in for a second appointment once they have done all that. Before the next appointment you will have some more bloods done , a possible aquascan that checks there are no blockages in your tube. At the next appointment they will go over all of the results and then plot your course of action. Of course that's just my experience of having been referred to a hospital on NHS finding after having done lots of previous tests elsewhere. Good luck with everything and I hope things continue to move quickly for you. I know how hard it can be when you've been waiting for so long! Xx
Thanks sooo much for your message and sorry for the delay in my response. Its come to my attention and become obvious that everyone's journey is just an different. I have had my tubes checked 3 times already so i hope that this last blood test which i had last week is the last part before we get moving ahead properly Is an aquascan the same as a Hycosy scan do you know?x