Hello everyone, newbie on here.
Unfortunalty had some bad news this recently.
I was fineally referred by my GP back in sept for fertility treatment. after three months I attended my appointment and saw the registrar. I was advised to loose weight and have a AMH test and ultrasound. They then saw me again three months later.
I attended my appointment on Monday and I could sense a sad tone to the room as soon as I walked in.
Basically, My AMH is very, very low. My mum went through menopause very early and I think I am heading the same way. These are my results:
Dec 17 2.1 pmls
Jan 18 0.5 pmls
Feb 18 3.8 pmls
I did ask why the last one was higher and was advised it just goes up and down sometimes. I have been advised to go onto IVF asap but I have to privately fund it as they dont treat someone with an amh under 5. All the other tests where normal (I do have an underactive thyriod).
I have been told that I have a 10 percent chance with IVF a normal 37 year old would have a 35 per cent chance.
I feel like my world has been torn apart. To make matters worse, a colleague has announced her pregancy last week. I am very pleased for her as her road has been a very differcult one but she is showing now and its really upsetting me.
I just need some some sucess stories to keep my chin up, I really feel like giving up, the consultant warned me the IVF is very hard. He was very lovely and almost look sad he couldnt help further.