Anyone had a missed miscarriage with a fresh and gone on to there 1st fet and it work? I be having 2 top grade 2.2A 5day blasts transfed next Friday 25th Oct cant wait but praying it works as this will be our last go.. had my 10day scan yesterday to check my lining and they said it was 12 which hopefully that's good I've got nothing to lose but everything to gain I'm 38 with 1 child age 10 naturally 1st fresh ended in a missed miscarriage now this is my 1st FET.. only reason for ivf is I have had both tubes removed xx
Anyone had a mmc with a fresh and mov... - Fertility Network UK
Anyone had a mmc with a fresh and moved on to a fet and it work ???

Sorry to hear about that. Yes I have. Had an mc earlier this year from a fresh cycle and now pregnant again from a FET so def all possible. Think my body responds better to a FET as not so much medication which think can help. Best wishes with this one xx
Gives me hope I'm so scared of it not working. How many did you have transferred? I'm having 2 the doctor didn't really try and scare me like they did last time with me wanting 2 she just said it's your choice your paying if you want 2 I will allow you 2 which I was so happy with.. how many weeks/months are you? Congratulations bet your over the moon xx
Can understand ur fear. Is all a gamble but always worth a try. Up to u about how many to transfer. I only had one but know lots who have two. Hopefully ur clinic can give u the pros and cons of both.
I’m not almost 12weeks so hoping all is well. Lost my lil one at 11weeks before so always scared but def so grateful and hoping it could be our time. Best wishes hun xx
Sorry to hear about your loss lovely, I didn't have a missed miscarriage but I did lose my first pregnancy at 6 weeks, after a fresh transfer of a single blastocyst. I'm now 25 weeks along after transferring 2 top grade blasts, I'm expecting a little boy x
Wow😍😍 so you had a fet with 2 top grade blasts? That's amazing did you test early ? I did on my fresh I was getting positive from day 3.. I think I'm going to be to scared to test this time round I so dont want to see a negative.. was you scared ? Do you have any more left on ice? I will have 4left on ice but I wont be doing it again after this as it's just to heartbreaking and so stressful I already have a 10yr old son naturally but lost both my tubes now so ivf is my only option xx
I did, clinic recommended transferring 2 despite them being top quality and me only being 30 at the time as well. Would have been just as happy with twins but I'm just thrilled to be pregnant at all!! I have 2 frosties left but I'll be honest and say I can't imagine we will use them, it's a very intense process isn't it?! Maybe I'll change my mind in a few years. I started to test at 8dp transfer and got a really clear BFP on day 9. I think it's extra scary when you've had a loss and I have been quite anxious throughout tbh. Hope all goes well for you lovely x
Its amazing how it all works.. my clinic have said they only wanted me to transfer 1 but said it's my choice so after a long hard think about it ice gone for 2 I'm happy with a 1 baby or 2 no matter what they will be our babies now matter how many we get if it works.. In my fresh round I new I was going to test early I started testing from day 1 it was positive but I think that was still the trigger day 2 negative day 3 positive but I dont think I will this time I be to scared to.. its defo very hard journey for us all to go through I'm very blessed to have my son and I've always said that hea my little miracle I'm praying for another just not sure miracles happen twice xx your still young to me so you have plenty of time to change your mind if you will use the other 2 or not I'm 38 in January so I know I'm getting older so really all riding on this fet... if it dont work like I said I'm very blessed to have my son already.. x whens baby due?I remember my son being born after the struggle I had to have him wow the love is out of this world and believe me when I say this you will fall more and more in love with him every day.. my boys my son my bestie my little side kick we do everything together but he would love a baby bother or sister or both xx
❤️ I'm so excited to meet him. Full on obsessed with him already! He's due to arrive 30th Jan. I cannot wait. Maybe you're right, we might decide to try again down the line but as you say I feel totally blessed to have my one on the way. I'll be following your story and keeping everything crossed for you x