Anyone know how many days after stopp... - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone know how many days after stopping taking norethisterone you start stims?

Jessy1280 profile image
29 Replies

Tomorrow is my last day of norethisterone (9 days total) before waiting a few days for withdrawal bleed. I understand I then need a baseline scan. Anyone know how long after that before I can start stims? I'm Sooooo impatient...

Doing antagonist (short protocol) this time. Think I'll be on 12 days stims before EC approx week commencing 21st October all being well x

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29 Replies

Hi, im pretty certain i started stims the same day. They called me to let me know that evening after reviewing the scan and bloods with the consultant. At the latest it would have been a day or two later but that would only have been to stagger me with other women as they were really busy. From the first scan it flew. Good luck xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to

Thanks so much. Makes me feel better. So keen to get started on cycle 2! X

in reply to Jessy1280

Me too but i have to wait until after Christmas now and switching from short to long protocol.

Im sure my stims were less than 12 days too, depends how you respond, either way it will be here before you know it. I felt better just having the follow up so hoping i feel ready to get going again when it comes to it xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to

My body went mental on long protocol but to be expected with my high amh. I had 18 eggs and went on to develop bad ohss. They've changed my meds this time so hopefully this will be better for me. Seems to be waaaay more meds this time though (menopur, fyremadel and fostimon). I was shocked by the increase in cost compared to my long protocol. Not sure why do many meds when I responded so well last time.

Just read a little about you and your situation seems similar to mine. My oh had VR 4 years after the original. Count is normal overall but poor per ml with poor motility. Last SA in May was still suboptimal but had improved. His SA all seems very up and down. We too have some frozen. Hoping for a significant improvement by his next SA as its now been just over a year since his VR. Not sure his sperm will ever get back to normal tbh.

Baby dust to us all! Xx

in reply to Jessy1280

I have amh of 32 and also 18 eggs 😬. I over stimulated but after looking at the results the consultant said my ovaries didnt like the menopur and raced ahead. I suppose everyone responds differently. I am a little worried about OHSS but just have to trust the consultant, he thinks long protocol will help achieve better egg quality. Im sure the 2nd cycle will be better as they know so much more about your body this time around 🤞im liking the sound of long being cheaper though! Hopefully that applies to us xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to

Long protocol cost me £850, short £1395. I was gobsmacked.

Last time I was on suprecur and bemfola for weeks. This time menopur, fyremadel and fostimon. I think everyone responds differently from all the stuff I've read. I have high amh 45.2 aged nearly 39. Im scared to get less eggs on short protocol. Read that some people have better results on menopur and others better on gonal-f. Im positive we'll all get there eventually. I see it as solving a puzzle. Very much trial and error. It's true that we just have to trust the experts to some extent x

in reply to Jessy1280

I had menopur and fyremedal which was around £1k. Well my amh is lower than yours and i got the same number. To be honest if i get half the number if eggs this time but better quality i will be very happy. Im sure we will get there its just a question of when. Hopefully before it bankrupts us!! Keep positive and i will follow your updates xx

in reply to Jessy1280

I always read your posts as we seem to be in very similar situations. My husband had a normal SA of 50ml after the reversal but a few years later when we weren't concieveing we went fir tests and the samples were different every time. We used frozen on the day. He is taking the superdrug sachets (on your recommendation 😁) but bith going to take proxeed after speaking to the consultant. No guarantees but like most of us im willing to try anything that helps. He also recommended acupuncture and gave me a long talk about my job and some career advice which was nice 😂 xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to

My OH SA 8 weeks after the op was 8ml, 23ml overall with poor motility. Then went to 45ml, less than a ml, the 250, 000 ) I freaked out), then back up to 67ml! In May it was 8ml, 47ml overall with 38% motility. The highest motility has been so far.

Now got him on superdrugs sachets. No idea if theyll work but I'm guessing they're better than wellman. I'll be REALLY interested to know if his counts gone up since May.

We do seem to have similarities which is nice. So often I find most ladies have low amh etc so find it hard to find anyone in my situation or with similar obstacles.

Been flatly refused referral to NHS for ivf multiple times which is so frustrating as I was hoping I could just so that I could appeal their criteria. I'm battling with my surgery atm to be referred for a hsg test. I've never ever had a sniff of pregnancy so I just want to put my mind at rest that there's nothing wrong with me. Everyone keeps saying it'll happen naturally but I'm not at all convinced! Lol

Wishing you all the luck in the world xx

in reply to Jessy1280

I know exactly how you feel. I initially went to the docs a year ago to get myself tested. However our first cycle did just seem like a bit of bad luck and at our follow up a couole if days ago the consultant didnt seem concerned over the sperm at all with us having icsi. One less hurdle hopefully. A couple of weeks ago i had given up hope completely and convinced we would be offered donor sperm. I now have my positivity coming back slowly. Feel free to message if you want to chat over anything or just have a moan. Its nice to know youre not alone x

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to

Thank you. Good to hear you're feeling more positive. Likewise message me should you need an ear. I literally love this forum. Totally keeps me going. I've requested IMSI this time instead of icsi in the hope o don't lose so many embryos by day 5. I firmly believe that we'll all get there in the end. Just a matter of time x

Kyell2 profile image

I started stimms the day after I got my period so hopefully you don’t have too long to wait 🤞🤞 xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Kyell2

Wow that's quick! Thank you x

Greenlady1 profile image

I'm only a week or so behind you and my baseline scan is 14th and I start stims the next day. So exciting isn't it. The best of luck with your cycle xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Greenlady1

Ahhh thanks so much. Expecting my baseline scan next week with a bit of luck. Taken so many supplements this time ill be gutted if it doesn't help. Good luck! X

LunaLovegood11 profile image

Hey, I was scheduled to start injections 6 days after, they did a scan after 5 days which gave me the go ahead x

Italy300618 profile image

Hey, I started 5 days later..stopped the pill on the thursday, came on my period sunday, baseline scan monday injections Tuesday! It's so hard to be patient ☺ good luck 🤞🥰 xxx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Italy300618

Sounds like me. I stop meds tomorrow and im expecting period Sunday too. Thank you for the reply x

EmGLA profile image

Hello this is my third round at antagonist stims, I just started taking norethisterone today. Obviously everyones protocols are slightly different, but I always wait for the withdrawal bleed from stopping the norethisterone then start stims in D2-D3 whenever I can get scanned.

Good luck! I’m a week behind you!!


Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to EmGLA

Good luck! Do you have any frosties left? I have two good embies left but rushing through cycles 2 and 3 as all have to be used within a year in my clinic x

EmGLA profile image
EmGLA in reply to Jessy1280

No I’ve been having a bit of a nightmare and my previous 2 cycles have been cancelled prior to egg collection due to my follicles refusing to grow. So they are switching my meds up this time from menopur to Gonal F and upping the dose.

Good luck with your round? I take it this is a fresh round too?

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to EmGLA

I've heard of some ladies responding better to gonal-f to menopur and vice versa. Fingers crossed this time for you. A fresh round for me. First cycle took 6 months due to ohss in between and long protocol so I'm desperate to get started again x

Suzy86 profile image

Hey, your story sounds similar to mine. My first round was antagonist protocol though and I started stims on CD2 which I think was about 4 days after stopping nothisterone. I only stimmed for 7 days and got 19 eggs so I wouldn’t worry about short protocol and not many eggs! I also ended up with bad OHSS. I have a high AMH too of 51 and I start northisteone in about 2 weeks for our second collection. They have slightly changed up my injections and I’m going to be monitored from day 3 this time so I’m hoping I won’t end up racing off again and getting OHSS. We went into our first round unexplained and after 2 failed FETs of AA blasts we have discovered a slight male factor so doing ICSI this time. My husband is taking proxeed and a very controlled diet of foods to help sperm health. So as long as I don’t get OHSS I’m really hopeful for the next round.

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Suzy86

My clinic have assured me by doing antagonist (no down reg) that I won't get OHSS. I pray to God I don't get it again as last time I had to stop treatment it was so bad x

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Jessy1280

I don’t want to worry you but it is definitely possible so do keep on top of any signs or symptoms you may get. I was on such a tiny dose last time and I still got it which is why I’m being monitored far more closely this time. Maybe ask for more scans during your next cycle? Just to be sure. I’ve been told they can’t guarantee it won’t happen to me again.

Sambab profile image

Hi. I'm also starting antagonistic protocol. I was prescribed provera for 7 days which stopped on 24th September. I only just started to bleed yesterday so now I'm starting gonal f injections tomorrow which will be on day 3 of my cycle then on Saturday I also add injections called cetrotide. I inject both of these for a total of 12 days...such a short time. My egg collection is booked for 18th October all being well.

Good luck in your treatment. Xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Sambab

Thank you. Good luck with egg collection. Mines provisionally week commencing 21st October. I'm going to be on Fyremadel, fostimon and menopur. Really anxious over it. Never done antagonist before or been on these meds. Scared it'll fail again. My OH says whatll be will be but that couldn't be further from the truth for me.

Sambab profile image

I know you're worries and where you are coming from. I'm also concerned about the treatment not working. I had a chemical pregnancy last August and an abandoned cycle in July this year. This will be our final attempt. Hoping and praying all goes well for us both. X

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Sambab

Really really hope this works this time for you. Sounds like you need it. 🤞 ☘ 🌈. For us, it's put our relationship under the biggest strain. Mainly because not allowed to talk about it when I really need to and because he can't empathise with how it feels to be childless.

I do wonder if I'll ever get there. Hard wanting something so badly that I can never give it up x

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