Hi all I hope your all well.
So firstly I had my baby boy on the 9/8/19 baby Edward weighing 7lb 1. Im so over joyed and in love. I just find myself watching him all day. He was my second attempt of ivf. One egg made it to blastocyst out of 16 eggs. First cycle I had seven eggs but none made it to day three. Then second cycle I had nine eggs and only one made it to a day five blastocyst. One being Edward. So I’m truly grateful for him.
I’m hoping to try again in August next year.
So my question is does anyone know any sites that do DHEA and it actually work? My egg count and quality is so poor. I don’t want to waste my only chance I’m going to get of trying for my next baby. I want to be able to tick all the boxes knowing I tried everything to boost my chances.
If anyone can help with advice or direction I will be truly grateful. Xx