Best round yet I cannot believe I am ... - Fertility Network UK

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Best round yet I cannot believe I am writing this 😮

37 Replies

Yesterday afternoon I had two 4bb blastocysts transferred and one of them was hatching. I was so happy as in the four rounds before this I had only ever achieved one blastocyst. We still had 5 which they advised they would keep to day six but as they were still at the cellular stage the embryologist warned they have to make it to blastocyst and be of good quality. So basically in a round about way saying not much hope.

I have just received our day 6 call and to my absolute shock I have a frostie ❄️. It is also a grade 4bb so good quality.

If I am honest round 5 to me had always been a money exercise. I had paid for a multi cycle and when round 4 was awful I was strongly advised about preparing for egg donor after this round. I knew I had to do this round but held no hope. I have followed no diets, have only taken trying to conceive tablets, I have had no acupuncture or reflexology. However I did stick to no alcohol. More importantly I have been me and just eaten what I wanted, this has included dinners out and takeaways ☺️.

Sorry for the long post xx

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37 Replies
Ash2016 profile image

That’s fantastic news Mrs! So happy for you xxx

in reply to Ash2016

Thank you so much. How are you doing? Xx

Gem2410 profile image

Aww so so happy for you. Got my fingers crossed for you 🤞 xx

in reply to Gem2410

Thank you xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Great news! Well done. Sometimes I think all of th restricting does more harm than good. We had our best cycle when I wasnt as careful even if we didnt get a positive! Best of luck for the 2ww.🤞🏻xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you. It’s going to be the hardest one I think. How are you doing? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

I dont think it gets any easier but I know what you mean! We're just gearing up for an FET again at the end of October....Im already a bit nervous at the thought of the 2ww but we have tweaked my progesterone protocl so hoping that makes the difference!xx

Lavender96 profile image

Aww this is brilliant news!! Good luck for the 2ww 🤞🏼 x

in reply to Lavender96

Thank you xx

Celloheggy profile image

Fab news! Keeping everything crossed for you!! X

in reply to Celloheggy

Thank you xx

gemmy999 profile image

Sounds like a great cycle. My BFP was cycle 5 and also I didn’t follow diets or alternative therapies. Just carried on as normal. Best of luck xx

in reply to gemmy999

Thank you so much. Congratulations lovely 😊. Xx

CLDxxx profile image

This is great news! Well done lovely. Just goes to show how important it is to be yourself ❤️ wishing you lots of luck xxx

in reply to CLDxxx

Thank you it is extremely important. Xx

Drives profile image

Well done lovely, great news x x

in reply to Drives

Thank you xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

That's really great news hon. Hope they're sticky ones!!!

in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Fingers crossed they are. Thank you xx

Tiddly1984 profile image

Very promising....x

in reply to Tiddly1984

Thank you xx

aamiller405 profile image

sounds vry of luck xo

in reply to aamiller405

Thank you xx

SharlyWarly profile image

Good for you! Great to hear that you still had takeaways!!! :-)

in reply to SharlyWarly

Thank you xx

Tugsgirl profile image

🤞🏻🤞🏻 xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Hope your all well 😘 xx

Picalilli99 profile image

Congratulations on your lovely blastos - must feel fab having some extra in the freezer too! Wishing you lots of luck for your 2WW xx

in reply to Picalilli99

Thank you xx

Shirazlover2013 profile image

Wonderful results indeed, its funny how each cycle is just so different. Good luck for your 2ww and OTD xx

in reply to Shirazlover2013

Thank you xx

Scarlett13 profile image

Fantastic news!!! My third round surprised me with how much better it was than my first 2! And I’m now 16 weeks pregnant from the third cycle (it took 8 embryos in total to get here). That’s great news that you have 3 strong embryos. Good luck with the 2ww and fingers crossed you won’t need your frostie for a couple of years xxx

in reply to Scarlett13

Wow congratulations. It is amazing how different each round is. Xx

Halli23 profile image

Hi Katrina,

I had 2 x 4bb blastos transferred on Sunday, so we are only a day apart from each other!! I’m only 4dp5dt this morning and it’s driving me crazy.

Have had symptoms coming out of my ears... cramps, twinges, nausea, dizziness... thanks to the progesterone I’ve had to double up on no doubt 😩

This was my 3rd fresh go (but 5th transfer) and my best round too. Hoping it’s our turn and I’m hoping it’s your too!

Give me a shout if the 2WW is driving you mad... we can get through it together x

in reply to Halli23

I am going absolutely crazy and only 3 days post transfer. I am on quite a bit of progesterone so am having lots of cramping and period pain which I am sure is from that as had it last round. I am over thinking every twinge and have been very emotional today. I hope this is both of ours round 🤞🏻How are you doing? Xx

Halli23 profile image
Halli23 in reply to

So... start of 5dp5dt... urgh!! I’m trying my very best not to Google and check how everyone else on this day is feeling and what they are feeling... but alas I’ve slipped in to the slightly psychotic realm!

Cramps have died down a lot since 3DP5DT, sickness is still there ever so slightly but less too. I HATE that ultimately whatever i do or read, it’s just a case of time and waiting!!

I’m so tempted to take a test on Sunday which would be 7dp5dt but I know it’s BFN I’ll be utterly depressed but also cling on to the hope that it may be ‘too early’ and obsess even more over the following days.

Our OTD is next Thursday and it seems forever away. My husband is a teacher and leaves at stupid o clock in the mornings so when we do a test on that day he’d literally either have to leave me in floods of tears or in tears of joy. Very annoying! I’ve always done a test the night before to prepare myself and not have to be alone afterwards, and it’s never been a good outcome for us, so will probably do it Wednesday night!

We have some plans to get us through the weekend so hopefully that’ll fly by. How about you? X

My otd is next Friday and I’m going to try my hardest not to test early. But completely understand why you would want to test the night before. I am hoping my husband has managed to get the day off.

I am also in that realm during the day as I am off work at the moment better once my husband is home. Cramping is starting to ease so who knows. Doesn’t help that I also have pics of them before they were transferred and then a scan of them being put back I can’t stop looking at them 😩.

I am glad you have things planned to pass the weekend. I am just about to drive to Norfolk to spend the weekend with my family so that will keep me busy.

We can get each other through this craziness xxx

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