Thanks again & Is this false hope? *u... - Fertility Network UK

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Thanks again & Is this false hope? *update, it was false hope*

JadeH92 profile image
30 Replies

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Hi ladies,

After my melt down last Monday, I had time away from all forms or social media including this site. I am honestly truly grateful for all of your support and I hope soon I will be strong enough to give back some support. As I feel all I have done is take (which is unlike me) but then in the same respect I don't feel I would be able to give good advice right now.

I am starting to have better days, pushing myself to leave my comfort zone and accepting that I am not weak for having time to heal. All of the advice and support you ladies have given me has helped soo much to make me feel not so alone (which is very unfair that you ladies have also experienced the pain I have).

Anyway on Sunday my boobs started hurting the same way as when I was pregnant. I was telling myself it could be because I might be due on. (My consultant said miscarriage can kick start my periods despite my PCOS). However, I am presuming you all know what it's like to have that niggle. So I went and bought an early response test. I did one on Monday (negative) did one on Tuesday (negative). I had one left from a previous pack (not early response) so did another today (which if my periods have returned to 28 day cycle today would be 1st day of my period).

And I got this.... this appeared straight away and has not changed since I have done the test. The test was in date but could it just be faulty? Or is this a very faint positive? Really don't know how to feel or what to do now?

Thanks in advance


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JadeH92 profile image
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30 Replies
KW83 profile image

I'd definitely be doing another test - it looks a bit like it might be faulty because the test line doesn't go all the way across. I would try to get a different one (FRER probably your best best) and do it with your first wee tomorrow. X

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to KW83

Thanks what I'm thinking. I'm not getting my hopes up I will go out today and get one and try again tomorrow. Thank you xx

Tugsgirl profile image

It possibly looks like an evaporation line as it doesn’t go all the way across.. That’s not to say that with a more reliable test you won’t get your bfp.. good luck xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you xx

Sayusayme profile image

Guess u r pregnant my dear

Get your test again and meet gynae

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Sayusayme

Trying to stay optimistic.. I'll buy another test and do it tomorrow. Knowing how cruel life can be I'm not getting my hopes up but thank you! xx

Sayusayme profile image
Sayusayme in reply to JadeH92

Dear stay strong this is what life is life full of uncertainty ,but I think your are pregnant.

Cinderella5 profile image

Good luck with testing again Jade, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you Cinderella ❤

Kitcat12 profile image

It's a tough one because the line doesn't go all the way across, which makes me think evap line but the fact it has colour makes me think it's a faint positive. Best of luck x

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Kitcat12

I know its difficult isn't it. The only thing that is making me think it could be positive is the fact it came up straight away. But could just be bad luck I suppose. Thank you xx

Good luck with re testing . I don’t think many ladies get a BFP before a period is due I know some companies claim you can test up to 6 days early im skeptical. Any doctor will advise you to wait until the day after your missed period to take a pregnancy test. I always waited till the missed period to test ( I had 1 CP & my other BFP is my daughter) I truly hope it is a BFP for you & its been perhaps a little early to test xxx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to

Hi Jess, thank you. I have been out to buy more tests. I am probably just clutching at straws because the chance of me even ovulating is slim but I can't help being slightly hopeful.

Shelleybean profile image

I have everything crossed for you 🙏🏻🤞 xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Shelleybean

Thank you x

Tiddly1984 profile image

It does look like an evap line (greyish), however when I initially tested my line didn’t go all the way across because I don’t think I had enough hcg hormone at the time for a decent enough reaction with the test. The main thing was that my half line was still coloured (blue) which is what should happen if it is picking up some hcg. Can’t clearly see the colour of your line, but if it’s pink that’s a good sign. Good luck!!! x

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Tiddly1984

Hi Tiddly, it is pink sorry the quality was poor to being with and when I uploaded it, it was even worse and is still pink but just very faint at the bottom. I have a feeling it is just a faulty test because I've got cramps and feel like I'm going to come on. Did you have a half coloured line with a positive test? Going to try and wait until Saturday to test so I will defo know but I dont think I will have the will power hahaa x

Tiddly1984 profile image
Tiddly1984 in reply to JadeH92

Hi, yes I did. I got a clearer, but still faint, positive the next day. I initially took two tests and both came up very faint and with only a part of the line blue. I say this because from what I’ve read, any test that does show colour is still picking up the HCG hormone, just not enough to react more strongly. This is unless the test is faulty. My understanding also is that an evaporation line is grey/colourless. I don’t want to get your hopes up because I know you’ve been through so much, but I did share a similar experience, although I was only 4dpt at this point and my period was some way off. Fingers tightly crossed for you though...x

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Tiddly1984

Ahh I see, no don't worry you won't get my hopes up. I'm pretty certain it is negative and if not then it's a massive bonus but after everything over the past few weeks I think that's the best way for me to approach this. Thank you and thanks for replying xxx

Tiddly1984 profile image
Tiddly1984 in reply to JadeH92

You’re so welcome and I do think you’re taking the best approach too. x

Rowly88 profile image

Good luck with testing again, I really hope this is a lil miracle for you xxx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Rowly88

Thank you xxx

aamiller405 profile image

Just seeing this post. Have you tested again? Xo

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to aamiller405

No I'm going to wait until tomorrow, that way I feel like I will know for sure with the result. Saying that my friend had 3 false positives last week so that has threw me a little bit xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to JadeH92

Probably the best idea.. Really hoping for a little miracle for you xo

JadeH92 profile image

Hi all just an update. It's as I expected unfortunately, (another) negative test just another way of life being cruel. You would think how many of them we have seen they would get easier wouldn't you. I'm okay I think, because I wasn't very hopeful but there is still always that hope. Thank you for everyone's well wishes though it is appreciated. Take care x

Lots8788 profile image
Lots8788 in reply to JadeH92

sorry to hear that hun x big hugs to you x take care

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Lots8788

Aw no way, that's rubbish! Sorry lovely x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to JadeH92

Awww Jade!😕 Gutted for you, life plays some pretty cruel tricks on us doesnt it! Doesnt matter how much we think it wont happen, we always hope we'll have a miracle.

Noah1981 profile image

Gutted there so hard darling xx take care they don’t get any easier xx

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