I've just had a chemical of a pgs normal embryo. I'm looking to hear any stories of people who've suffered a chemical pgs normal blastocyst but gone on to have a successful FET. What did you do differently? Did you have an ERA? Any hope for me? 🙏
Any successful pregnancies after a ch... - Fertility Network UK
Any successful pregnancies after a chemical loss of a pgs normal blastocyst?

Hi Fingers crossed. So sorry to hear this has happened. This has no bearing on future attempts. Should you be unfortunate to have 3 losses, then you will be investigated for clotting problems. You could ask whether using low dose soluble aspirin or heparin might help next time, in order to hopefully prevent any clot formation. This would be at the discretion of your specialist. Good luck! Diane
Thanks Diane,
This is my third miscarriage unfortunately.
I've been tested for all blood clotting issues and everything came back fine. I was also taking baby aspirin, high dose folic acid and progesterone this FET. Just don't know what else to test for anymore
I haven’t had ivf or ERA ( our issue turned out to be endometriosis which I needed surgeries to treat it) but I have had a successful pregnancy after a chemical pregnancy. chemical pregnancies are quite common 1-4 women will have one but most will go on to have a successful pregnancy. I’m very sorry for your loss hope your next cycle will result in a baby xxx

Many thanks. It's just so hard to accept it is just bad luck. Fingers crossed the next round works xx
Firstly I am so sorry this has happened. I hope you get lots of helpful advice that helps you get around what you might do next.
I wanted to ask, what made you do PGS testing? I don’t read about this being done often in the UK, seems to be much more common in the US...