A chemical proves it implanted therefore the timing of the transfer was accurate correct? So is there any point in doing an ERA? Can the embryo still implant in the incorrect window and fail because it needed the timing adjusted slightly? Running out of reasons why it failed and don't know what else to test for...
Any point in having an ERA if I just ... - Fertility Network UK
Any point in having an ERA if I just had a chemical pregnancy of a PGS normal blastocyst??

Im inclined to agree with this as I feel that you have gotten implantation, it just didnt stick and for many ladies nobody knows the reason why. Have you asked your clinic what their thoughts are? I was under the impression that it was more for recurrent implantation failure.xx
Well prior to having the fet I asked the Dr what we'd do it it failed. He said we'd do an ERA/Alice/Emma test. The ERA to check timing of transfer. Alice to check the levels of good bacteria in womb and Emma to test levels of bad bacteria/infection in womb. We can still do the Alice & Emma test. I just don't get why they don't give every woman probiotics (solution for Alice) and antibiotics (solution for Emma) prior to fet as a precautionary measure.
I've got my follow up with both Drs & the.embryologist next Friday 13th so hopefully we can find some thing out.
I'm worried it's something like the DQ alpha or LAD gene issues whereby my body rejects my husband's DNA or our DNA are too matched! Argh
Ive just been reading a study which I know doesnt answer your question about why it happens however the main message that I have taken from it is that if you have a chemical the stats are that you are more likely to have a sucessful pregnancy next time....I'l post below, if you dont want to read it all just scroll to conclusion. The odds are still massively against us when we're doing IVF and lots of major factors are out there and lets face it if the Dr's knew why IVF failed then the success rates would be much better. I do think there is a big part of a lottery involved in this. My husband and I have had compatibility bloods etc done, everything we could and nothing really showed up. Its massively frustrating as you say. See what the Dr says on review and take things from there.xx
Thanks I'll read it now.
Do you remember the blood compatibility tests you and your husband did?
We had heaps of bloods done but this was the compatibility one HLA Typing (Class I - Class II), HLA - DQA1. Dont know if that helps?! We also had thromophilia, TH1 & TH2 Cytokines, Lymphocytes populations, KIR, xx
Ok I've had some of those years but not the HLA-dqa1 I'll look into it.
That article was interesting. According to it the success rate of a successful pregnancy of an FET on the cycle immediately following a chemical pregnancy is higher than waiting further cycles! Maybe I should do another round now before I do any further tests?? Eek!
I heard that ERA is a good test to do for after both implantation fauilure and chemical pregnancy. The analogy for chemical is to imagine a train already pulling off the platform, you manage to jump on at the back but can't hold on and end up falling off. I head this in the Beatinfertility podcast, the doctor they interview there regularly said this and she is super experienced. I think it's worth testing, PGS embryos are very precious!
Great analogy thank you. I will get it tested. It works be interesting to know how many of the women who had a chemical went on to have the era and discovered it did need altering and then had a successful pregnancy! Thanks again
I was reading a blog of a lady who had numerous chemicals and was charting her journey. She pretty much had every test under the sun done. It turned out to be a combination of things for her and eventually she was successful but one of them was that her timing needed adjusting and the ERA showed that.
Oh do you happen to have the blog's link? I'd love to read it.
I'll definitely be doing the ERA even though I have a feeling the timing is fine. It's finding the right combination of things that is stressing me out most I can't bear the idea of trial and error with my precious pgs anymore. I am so scared of going through this again. I wish I could afford a surrogate! Xx
This is the intro link
It’s very long and there are lots of entries. Also, just as you think it’s finishing keep going as it starts up again.
I think this blog highlights just how many different things could cause recurrent miscarriages/failure to implant. Hopefully your PGS has solved most of your issues but you might find something in here you haven’t previously considered. Good luck!
Do you remember by any chance which episode/podcast of the beat infertility podcast it was in?
I can't remember unfortunately, as it was a listener question which is before each episode with Dr Rogers. But this listener asked her opinion after a few chemicals and the ERA was her answer. But there is definitely one episode specifically talking about uterine tests, you can listen to them on Spotify. She is a big fan of the ERA and sees great results from it so she had me convinced anyway. You could combine it with the endometrial function test which can also give valuable information and you'd only have to go through the mock cycle and the biopsy once - this is what I did. Currently 4dp5dt so can't say yet whether it worked out or not, but either way, I'm glad I did them