Has anyone taken antidepressants while going through fertility treatment?
Antidepressants and TTC: Has anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Antidepressants and TTC

I haven't but was considering it in the spring and I put a post up and had some really helpful responses... Have a look through my old post on not coping or something to that effect if you want to ! Wish you all the best XX
I’m on sertraline and have been for years! Only the lowest dose but went through my clomid treatment on it and I’m 34 weeks pregnant now and still fine on it! I’d talk to your docs about it but my hormone imbalance is really bad and causes such bad anxiety etc so don’t think I could have coped without my sertraline at some point throughout this journey! Really helps keep me happy and stable xxx
Yeah I'm struggling majorly with my hormone imbalance right now, and unfortunately 5 years of fertility treatment, one early misscarraige and my son born still on 3 weeks ago after a very challenging pregnany everything just feels too much right now
Deffo talk to someone about it! I had sertraline and then after my miscarriage I couldn’t cope so upped my dose and went to counselling! I know it’s not for everyone but I think I was lucky with my counsellor, she was super helpful. You aren’t alone tho lovely, we are all here for you. Make an appointment and talk about antidepressants they’ll find the best one to suit you, can take a few weeks to kick in but so worth it xxx
I saw the doctor today and she doesnt want to put me on antidepressants or back on propranolol which I've taken in between treatment for ageas as i suffer from migraines, but I know it helps with anxiety so asked for some more. She wants me to just take things one day at a time and check in with her weekly because she thinks Its so much worse because of the hormones and doesn't want me dependant on tablets or something . Thankfully I'm now part of a support group with lots of other bereaved mums and I've developed a relationship with one lady and we are mutually supporting each other when we can and also talking about our babies in a positive way too, cherishing the memories which is hard to do with people who are fortunate enough not to have experienced this xx
Aww bless you! She might be right with trying to hold off on antidepressants until your hormones have gone back to how they normally are and if you are still struggling then I’m sure she’d put you on them! A support group is a great idea so glad you’ve bonded with someone there, sometimes that’s a major thing you need, just to talk to someone who doesn’t really know you but has been through similar things to you!
Make sure you take care of yourself and keep on at the doctors if you still feel no better ❤️Xx
Yes, took citalopram through 2 ivf cycles, the latter being successful. I came off it at about 14 -16 weeks - weaned off gradually, and now almost 35 weeks. Doc was fine for me to take as needed/go back onto it. Mental well-being is key for getting through this journey - ps I also saw a psychologist for anxiety/depression and counsellor at IVF clinic - both of which invaluable xx

Hi bms. Should you need to be on them, then the safest ,lowesr dose will be prescribed for you. Good luck! Diane
Hi bms12,
Sorry to hear of what you have been going through.
I am currently having IVF and am on 100mg Sertraline. I was really reluctant to start anti depressants as after over 2 years of TTC and 2 miscarriages we knew we were finally close to our nhs round of IVF and didn’t want anything to mess with it. However I started seeing a counsellor who after a couple of sessions said it was clear that I would need medication to help as well as counselling. I ran it by the consultant at the clinic before starting to take them who confirmed that it would be fine and would not interfere with any of the IVF meds.
Have been on them for around 3 months now and am just approaching egg collection for my first cycle. Honestly I feel so much better in myself and am really kicking myself for not agreeing to the medication sooner. TTC is such a difficult journey (medically assisted or not!) and it really lifts such a weight if you can start with being mentally well.
Maybe start with a visit to your doctor to talk it through. Hope you get the help that you need and good luck with your TTC journey.
I’m also on 100mg of Sertraline. For me it’s been a life saver and my GP & fertility clinic have been ok with that.
I’m so sorry for your loss, sending hugs x
Thank you, unfortunately my GP doesnt want me on anything as my hormones are still all over the place after giving birth to our sleeping son 3 weeks ago.
I'm not too happy about it really, but she said she would prefer I wasnt on anything as we want to go through IVF again. But after 5 years TTC one early misscarraige last may and then having my son at 19 weeks after a traumatic second trimester its getting pretty hard to deal with the strain it puts on my mental health. She wouldnt prescribe me my usual propranolol either even though my migraines are brutal without it. The only time it stops is when I'm either on the pill or pregnant. So I'm a little annoyed really.
So sorry to hear all you have been through , this would be tough for anybody .
Why not try speaking to another doctor ?
I was on antidepressants through my fertility journey , it was never an issue at all .
I did wean myself of them at 20 weeks pregnant with the help of talking therapy, but went straight back on them after the birth of my daughter.
I have pcos, a symptom of this depression .
I was on antidepressants and my GP made me taper off in one week! It was pretty tough. I miscarried anyway. I called my GP to go back on them but he wouldn’t agree to it as I was ttc again. So I said I’d give it a couple more months before giving up ttc and just going back on my antidepressants.
I was on Venlaflaxine throughout ivf and up until I was 6 months pregnant. No effects on baby at all xxx you have to look after yourself too. Mental health and being well is so important especially when going through such a stressful time. My ivf consultant advised me to stay on my tablets. I'm so glad I did. Came off at 6 months so no withdrawal effects on baby as can be with Venlaflaxine xxx