Drinking and ttc: I know drinking when... - Fertility Network UK

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Drinking and ttc

Hands2015 profile image
14 Replies

I know drinking when your trying to conceive is a big no no I really get it and this is totally A non issue really but I'm supposed be going on a girly day- there will be cocktails.

Straight up I'm like I'll have a mock tail. I'm not a drink I hardly ever drink even before we were trying and I just feel in like a conflict because of course I'm wanting a baby sooo badly and I think for people who get pregnant quickly with no issues this isn't a concern because you stop drinking while your trying but me and my husband have been trying for three years

Just wondered if anyone else thinks these things and then feels highly guilty because you would what it it takes to make a baby and getting in a state over something trivial

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Hands2015 profile image
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14 Replies
Olivia80 profile image

DH and I went to see a fertility nutritionist who advised “everything in moderation” - so I’m sure one day won’t hurt. Think of all the people that get pregnant when under the influence

I am sure everyone on here goes through that turmoil. Guilt about everything from having too many take aways to feeling guilty about not feeling guilty enough about something. Please try not to stress (easy to type ha ha).

Enjoy your day and don't feel guilty about anything. You are doing all you can xx

Lilli79 profile image

Hi, both consultants we had said that a drink or two is OK (actually they said it was advisable!) to beat the stress. Obviously stop when you are pregnant but if you are doing ivf or just ttc naturally, please don't sweat the small stuff. Everything in moderation, don't go crazy - a few good nights out might just keep you sane!! Good luck xxx

Beari profile image

Oh my gosh go enjoy yourself and have a drink! If you had just had an embryo transferred it would be a different story but in this case take a day off! Heavy or continous alcohol drinking can affect fertility but not a once in a while treat. I'm a nutritionist. PM me if you want more info :-)

Niki_B profile image

Yes go enjoy yourself hun!! As long as your not binging everyday or every weekend go have fun it's absolutely fine! Xx

Linzb profile image

My clinic said I didn’t have to give up anything until I started stimming. They said sometimes cutting too many things out can add to stress. Have a day off and enjoy yourself 😀

emu2016 profile image

HAVE A BLOODY DRINK! TTC is hard enough. Every now and again you should let your hair down.

I had a meltdown three days before my transfer. And my consultants prescription? A large glass of wine. And I did.

You don’t know how long this journey is. Starving yourself of relaxing times won’t help. You probably subconsciously won’t get drunk and will pace yourself but please enjoy yourself. Everything in moderation. xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to emu2016

Totally agree! Have a drink or two. Let your hair down and stop being so hard on yourself 😊 xx

I agree with others I really don’t think a few drinks will do much harm and actually I think by depriving yourself of this that the other is far worse and causes much more stress. It is important to have a “ normal life “ outside the pressures of ttc. I think stress is much worse than a glass or two! Enjoy a few cocktails 🍸 I will leave with the words of my lovely fertility specialist “ ditch the ovulation sticks and but a nice bottle of wine instead 🍾!!!” Being more relaxed is better when trying to conceive ( I know that is easy said and hard to do I’ve been ttc for nearly 7 years with one chemical pregnancy) xoxo

Like you I hardly ever drink alcohol on a daily basis, but every three or four months at special occasions I do have a glass or two or sometimes even three (shock horror I'm such a terible person etc.)

But the harsh truth is I have been TTC for over 7 years now nad have had all the tests. My husband has low sperm count and had we been younger, our specialist would have referred us for IVF, but in my area funding stops at age 40 whuch I will be in 2 weeks time. We were told I needed to start treatment at age 39 so it's too late for me now.

Now it's not impossible we won't conceive naturally, just not very likely, so should I go through the rest of my live never ever an alcoholic drink, depsite knowing it's unlkiely I'll EVER be pregnant? I've already missed out on so much not having a child of my own so should I live like a nun in other respects?

No!! One of the few things getting me through this awful IVF blow is looking forward to the 40th I've been planning these past few months and I intend to enjoy myself with a bottle of wine (the whole bottle).

Those of you who have a strict no alcohol policiy when TTC, I sincerely applaud you, but I do have to wonder just how many are already mothers and how many YEARS not MONTHS you have been trying and therefore not drinking. TTC is stressful enough without banning ourselves from the odd indulgence.

My advice is don't judge others but do what is right for you and best of luck

in reply to

I agree completely putting your life on hold isn’t living and I think stress is far more damaging with fertility ( and let’s face it there is enough stress) My consultant actually advised in a letter “ to ditch the ovulation sticks and buy a nice bottle of wine instead!!!” I’ve been trying for nearly 7 years so know how you feel ours is my endo which took nearly 6 years to find 😡 closest we got was a chemical pregnancy 😩

I am sorry you can’t access IVF funding ; it’s awful how individual CCG have their own policy and don’t abide by the NHS guidelines ☹️ such a lottery. I really wish you the best and hope you can find a way to achieve your dream ❤️❤️❤️ xoxo

in reply to

Thanks Jess. After trying for so long yourself, you know how hard and stressful it can be. My in laws struggled to conceive my husband and only did after 6 years when they "gave up"

Lynnr54 profile image

I agree with the other ladies. As long as you’re not downing a bottle of wine every night or in the middle of the 2ww a few drinks here and there won’t hurt. My personal view is that letting your hair down and relaxing probably does you more good than not drinking. If you’re not much of a drinker anyway then you’re unlikely to be excessive with it. Enjoy your girly day x

angellllll profile image

Hey there! I hope you are doing well. When you are trying for so long things are a bit different. If you are getting a fertility treatment done then yes don't drink. However, everything in moderation is okay. Don't overthink a lot. You can have one it won't harm you. However, it is good that you are careful.

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