Another negative result 😥: Feeling... - Fertility Network UK

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Another negative result 😥

Sarah83ap profile image
37 Replies

Feeling heartbroken this morning. 2nd cycle and 2nd negative. Just don’t understand why it’s not implanting.... is there reasons for or ways you can help implantation? We have one more shot at this and I want to do everything I can to make it work.

Also not sure if we should have a break and start again after Xmas or get back in the saddle. Not sure what’s to do for the best. At the moment I just feel like my chance will never come!

Advice welcome xx

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Sarah83ap profile image
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37 Replies
Shirazlover2013 profile image

I’m so sorry Sarah, it’s so shitty. I’ve had 2 BFNs on the trot too and you do wonder if your time will ever come. After each failure it took me a few weeks to process the feelings but the only thing that kept me going was knowing I was moving forward towards another attempt. For us that has meant 3 fresh rounds in a row we never get anything to freeze 😒 but I know that’s not for everyone. I don’t have any answers re implantation failures but I believe it’s a numbers game so I’m going to keep trying damn it. Look after yourself xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Shirazlover2013

Thank you. We haven’t had anything left to freeze either and we were talking about the numbers game which is why I think to do it as soon as possible in hope that the odds have to come in... I will obv speak with the clinic but I just want to keep going till I get somewhere as all the waiting and wondering is driving me crazy.

When is your next go? Xx

Shirazlover2013 profile image

Definitely have the follow up consultation, I have made changes with each cycle (drugs, dosage, extra day of stimms, switch to dual trigger etc) and even changed clinics for round 3. I’m in the 2ww now after round 3, OTD Friday, I’m absolutely terrified 😬

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Shirazlover2013

Omg good luck!! I hope it works for you!! I was thinking of changing clinics but we are with access fertility so not sure we can...

gemmy999 profile image

I’m so sorry. It’s just heartbreaking 💔 I have had 4 BFN’s! All for no knowing reason. All implantation failure. Have you had a hysteroscopy? So they can check your womb. I finally had that after cycle 4 and they removed a polyp which is why we went on to cycle 5. But I have also been told it’s a numbers game and perseverance!

I have mostly had one normal period in between cycles, that’s due to my age and feel time pressured. I have had a 3 month break between one lot of cycles and I did feel stronger for having the break. I also like to have a plan even if that plan doesn’t start straight away. I do think it’s really important to now take time out for yourselves, process things, and have some you time. We didn’t do that between 1 and 2 and we both really struggled mentally. So I’ve learnt the hard way and for us time together living an non IVF life (as best we can) between cycles has been so important. Be kind to yourself. Big hugs. Xxx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

Negatives are such a hard blow. Have you done an ERA test to check if you're transferring it at the correct time? Some women need a extra day or so of progesterone before transfer...

Up to you about delaying it but I'd be getting back on the saddle! You bought be pregnant at Christmas 🎄🎅🏻

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Fingerscrossed38

I’m going to talk to my clinic about further testing! I only had an interact scan and blood tests originally and I just want to make sure I do everything I can. I do want to get back in the saddle. I think I’ll have a very sad Xmas if I’m not pregnant by then. Plus I’d like to give it as much of a chance before I go into the next age bracket (costs) it’s all so expensive. My OH is so supportive and I couldn’t ask for better! Even though his as upset as I am he is also very encouraging that it will work for us one day.


Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to Sarah83ap

That sounds like a good plan.push forward.sometimes better to just get it all tested before hand if you can afford it then three transfers after testing. Best of luck xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Im sorry Sarah, its not easy getting BFN's.....I had 4 in a row (2 with my own eggs an 2 with excellent quality DE) and its so disheartening! Has your clinic changed anything from when you started? The things that we have changed so far was to add in blood thinners (clexane), intralipids and when we got out BFP's we added in prednisolone at my request but also had an extra day of progesterone in case we were missing my implantation window. I appreciate the last one my not be possible of you are doing fresh transfers but could you even ask your clinic to test your progesterone levels.....since my 2 losses Ive discovered my levels are too low and Im not absorbing the pessaries very well - I think having the extra day of progesterone boosted mine as Ive had 2 BFP's in row, just couldnt keep them. In saying that I do feel that this is a massive lottery, some are lucky first time and for others it does take time to find what works for you and to get that lucky embryo. Its not easy, big hugs.xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to Cinderella5

Low progesterone is also a problem I'm having. Currently sitting in the clinic waiting for yet another p4 test because yesterday's was only 93.6 and they want it above 100. I'm already on 2 x cyclist and 2 x Lubion injections per day and it's still not high enough! I'm worried they'll switch me to PIO which terrifies me but I'll do it if it gets me over 100. I'm lucky I've got a vigilant clinic who test often. All the best with your journey xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Good grief over 100! My levels were terrible when I had mine tested last time....19mol/l! My clinic plan to put me on both pessaries and lubion like you but they have also offered me POI which scared me too! Will just have to wait and see! Good luck for your blood test today!xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to Cinderella5

Heya my progesterone this morning was 135! Finally over 100 but now I'm taking 4 x cyclist and 2 x Lubion per day to get to that level! Hopefully that combination helps you out!

Sarah83ap profile image

I’m going to talk to my clinic about further testing! I only had an internal scan and blood tests originally and I just want to make sure I do everything I can. The changed my meds slightly. Did the duel trigger and put me on lubieon (not sure how you spell it). I’m also looking at it like a roulette table my blasto was at 45% chance and if you was to bet on red or black it might not come in straight away (not that I’m a gambling lady but it’s the only way I can make sense of it not working)


Dreamingofbaby profile image

Oh def is so hard. So sorry that this has happened. Hopefully ur clinic can help to see what could help for next time. Abit of time maybe helpful has been for me at times but only u know what best for you. Take good care and really hope can happen for u xx

Tugsgirl profile image

I’m sorry. A bfn is really very hard. Especially back to back. Please don’t give up but maybe waiting until after Christmas would be a great idea. Sometimes the best thing you can do is get off the rollercoaster for a breather. Take stock. Enjoy life without treatment for a few months, have a drink or two and eat lots of lovely Christmas food and then in the new year have a new start. Just my opinion of course so good luck whatever you decide xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you. I’m going to speak with the clinic and see what they advise. I’m also gonna ask for further testing cos it doesn’t make sense to me. 😥xx

3005 profile image

Hi Sarah

I’m in exactly the same situation as you, 2 fresh cycles with nothing to freeze and both BFNs.

It’s heartbreaking and so frustrating as to why it doesn’t work, even though I got my period I’m still in denial. I’m still waiting for the positive result to come in.

I think my problem is implantation too, I have my follow up consultation next week so I’m going to ask about killer cells testing and ERA.

Let me know if you hear of anything new x

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to 3005

Oh really. Yes I defo think more questions need to be asked as it doesn’t make sense. Let me know how you get on with your clinic and i’ll Do the same.

I know what you mean about denial. My sister just told me to hold on in until I get my period as she got a negative a week after her period was due and then again two days later then another 24hrs got a positive. Be that on naturally conception. As much as I want to believe that’s gonna be me, I know it’s not and it’s just the meds preventing my bleed xx

3005 profile image
3005 in reply to Sarah83ap

I got my bleed a few days later and I was determined to not give up until then but even when I got it I sat here telling myself people still bleed and they’re pregnant.

I guess I just refuse to give up

Let me know what you find out, I’ll keep you updated too x

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to 3005

It’s crazy how it makes us feel isn’t it!! Such a hard journey. Never thought it would be this difficult! Xx

I know I’ve been googling for anyone that got late positives. Really jjst making myself mad lol xx

Greyeverything profile image

Hi, I’ve not long since had my 2nd negative as well. Another one and I will be classed as having repeated implantation failure.

I was offered a choice try another FET or pay to have ERA tests etc done. We still have 7 frozen embryos so I’ve opted for another go and then I will have the tests done.

I’m assuming it’s an implantation issue but our embryos haven’t been PGS tested so could be an issue with them as well I guess.

We are NHS at the moment and it’s so limited what they will actually do. Haven’t changed anything this cycle apart from going to Lubion injections rather than cyclogest pessaries and I can help but think it madness to just do the same thing again and again and expect it to all of a sudden work. If you are private they change protocols etc to try and personalise it to you a bit which they don’t on NHS. Currently doing another FET cycle which I fully expect to fail again.

I had one natural period before starting again just to give myself some time to recover.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to go again straight away. Some time out from it does wonders x

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Greyeverything

Thank you for your message. We didn’t have any left to freeze but the embryo we did put back was very good grade. I think I’m gonna go for more testing but have no idea what the cost for that is. I do think it is a numbers game and can see what they say that but you don’t want to have spent thousands before you find out something that could saved you 10k.

I’ve heard NHS are harder to tweak. But having said that most ppl I know via NHS has worked first time.

Fertility problems seem so common these days! Maybe it’s cos the worlds getting smaller..

Good luck with your FET I hope it’s 3rd time lucky for you! Xx

Core profile image

So sorry to read this we had 3 BFNs and are now in the 2ww of our 4th, Doctor’s seem to think it’s mainly a numbers game but we have tweaked a few things this time. I find the first few weeks after a BFN the hardest, having a follow up appointment and next steps is really what helps me xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Core

Good luck!! I hope it works for you!! What kind of thinks have you tweaked if you don’t mind me asking? Xx yes I’m hoping to get my FU appointment on Friday. Xx

aamiller405 profile image

I'm so sorry xo

Kyell2 profile image

Aw Sarah I’m so sorry. It’s just completely crap. Id say take a few weeks to recover from the disappointment and then make a new plan. Sending lots of hugs your way xx

hifer profile image

So so sorry for your BFN. Perhaps a bit of time will help you to decide? Xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to hifer

Yes, I’m going to ask for further testing. Rule out any other complications before I go again. X

Shelleybean profile image

So so sorry, I know how tough this is 💔 If your clinic aren't agreeable to carrying out more testing then you can self refer to University Hospital Coventry for investigation of recurrent implantation failure further with an endometrial biopsy, which tells you if you have raised NK cells. There is also a blood test for this, but some specialists believe testing the endometrium itself is preferable. I was also told it has the same (possible) benefit as a scratch. Not sure if they do ERA, but I’ve put a link below in case you wanted to get in touch with them.

We live in Yorkshire, but contacted them after 2x failed cycles on the bounce. As we were just about to start another cycle there wasn’t time to have it done. They did say you can’t have had a miscarriage/ failed IVF in the last 2 months, so need you to have had a clear, natural period in between.

We very much started looking at the IVF process as a numbers game too and it did take some of the emotion out of it for me, which I feel has helped me keep going. Tbh I always feel better when doing something, but there’s nothing wrong with taking a break if you feel it may be what you need. Wishing you lots of luck 🍀 xx

Lots8788 profile image

Sorry to hear that Sarah. here if you want to chat xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Lots8788

Thank you hun! How you feeling? I’m definitely gonna ask for further checks before we go for another cycle. Just want to make sure I’ve covered all bases. Xx

Lots8788 profile image
Lots8788 in reply to Sarah83ap

Yeah I'm ok thanks hun. Yeah that's a good idea. xx take it easy

I’m in the same place as you. Tested Mon and Tues and 2nd BFN. Period arrived in full force on tues just to really ram it home - plus is extremely painful, as if this week wasn’t tough enough. Both rounds it seems to be implantation failure, plus also nothing to freeze both times. We’ve also agreed our third shot is the last go, also wondering about changing clinic, but with Access so imagine it’s not possible. Let us know how you get on with the follow up appointment and what plan you make. Sending hugs for this week xxxx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to

Such a shame isn’t it! It’s an emotional rollercoaster. Woke up this morning and it hit home.

I will let you know what they say. I’m defo getting further tests done so that I can make sure I’ve got everything else ruled out or if I find something else it gives us the best shot. My OH said last night that if I’m happy to we can go upto 5 cycles but I don’t know where he thinks the money is coming from so I think it might be a save up job which means easily another year and then you have age running against you 😫🙄


in reply to Sarah83ap

While hard, that’s lovely of your OH. I don’t think I will have the strength to keep going after three, plus we are private all the way as no funding so the money is just ridiculous.

We’ve made it to the weekend. Hopefully the worst of this failure is behind us. I hope you’ve got lots of lovely plans to help get a smile on your face. Take care xxx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to

Same! We didn’t get any funding just because we had doctors in different catchments although the same area literally borderline so it’s private fir us and yesterday we were told another 2k for further blood tests. Just never stops.

Hope you have some lovely plans too!

Are you going to have a break or go straight back in? Xx

in reply to Sarah83ap

Have sent you a pm x

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