Anyone conceived with one blocked tube? - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone conceived with one blocked tube?

Kathryn1984 profile image
10 Replies

Hello ladies,

I came away from my HSG feeling slightly optimistic as the radiographers said my left tube was clear and the dye went straight through no problems. However, she wasn’t sure about my right tube.

After a day of thinking about it, I am now driving myself mad. That usual feeling of hating my own body for being broken is coming back. I keep saying to myself, my left tube’s great, but I’m feeling more and more worried.

My thoughts are starting to snowball. What if I have an ectopic with my dodgy tube? What if something happens to my precious good tube? Are my chances dramatically reduced because of this?

Some advice would be appreciated. I can feel the tension building more and more every day.

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Kathryn1984 profile image
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10 Replies
LunaLovegood11 profile image

Aww I don’t know anything technical to help but I’m thinking of you... perhaps see if you can get an appt with your GP for further advice or referrals? Xx

I have the same thing, one blocked and one open tube(which I had an ectopic in previously), I also have a 5 year old and concieved normally but misscarried, and only had issues concieving after that misscarriage so we pressummed my tube issues happened after that as 10 months after we had an ectopic.... Anyways we didn't want to risk another ectopic, and like you I was driving myself absolutely crazy with the what if's, so we went straight in to IVF, I now have a 2 month old. There's a possibility of everything, it depends if you don't mind the risk of possibly taking longer to concieve or an ectopic xxxxx

Kathryn1984 profile image
Kathryn1984 in reply to

I conceived naturally February last year, and my baby nestled nicely into my uterus, but unfortunately I miscarried at 10 weeks due to a blood clot (sub chronic hematoma). We’ve not conceived since, but really we haven’t been trying hard; only having sex 2 or 3 times a month. I’ve been seriously depressed for over a year since the MC. We may start ivf next year, but I’d like to save myself the stress and try for another year. I’m 35 now, 36 in February next year. I’m a very anxious and worried person, so if I can try naturally a bit longer I think it would be better for my mental health. We only get one funded round in our area as well.

in reply to Kathryn1984

You know yourself the best, with me I couldn't keep on going on, my whole life was hold and obsessing way way too much, feel free to message me if you need a chat, even though I've had my baby I'm still not healed from the ups and downs and I can relate to quite a few of your previous posts mostly how this journey makes you feel and what you go through xxxxxxxx

Refocus profile image

Hi Kathryn,

I have a friend who conceived after about 8 months with one tube (one tube due to eptopic pregnancy in the past). She was stressing about it at first but once she relaxed with the help of accupuncture she conceived naturally and has had a healthy boy. Good luck xxx

Materialbarbie profile image

My friend had a hsg test and found one tube was blocked, she was gutted but ended up falling pregnant naturally just after her hsg with her one working tube and baby is growing perfectly in there! She didn’t end up needing any fertility treatment!

I had my hsg and both my tubes were fine, no blockages but I ended up needing 4 rounds of clomid to get pregnant! So I think it’s one of those things, you are more fertile after getting the test done so try and relax!

Fingers crossed for you🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼. Xxx

Rowly88 profile image

I also only have one tube, I have grade 4 endometriosis and it caused damage to my left tube as well as damage to other organs.

However had tube clipped in the end as they would have had to take my ovary out as well which would reduce my chances for my ivf.

Over 4 an half years I have had 1 eptopic natural pregnancy in damaged tube soon after clipping, 3 failed rounds of ivf and after all that I have just found out I am pregnant naturally from my lovely remaining right tube.

Please dont give up hope ,it can happen xxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey, my mum only had one ovary after a botched appendectomy many years ago...2 kids! It can happen!xx

Kathryn1984 profile image
Kathryn1984 in reply to Cinderella5

I had bad appendicitis in my 20s, the surgeon referred to my appendix as extremely inflamed and infected when they took it out. They did open surgery on me; not keyhole, to make sure they removed all the infection. I’m still not sure if my appendix burst. I may ask to see my records. I’ve never connected the two before, but it could be an explanation.

Millbanks profile image

I have 1 blocked tube and the consultant thinks that it may have contributed to my miscarriage and subsequent difficulties in conceiving. Apparently the swollen tube can fluid in to the uterus which upsets the delicate balance in there. So it’s very difficult for anything to implant. She recommended having the tube clipped before proceeding with putting the embryos back.

Fingers crossed it helps! We’ll find out by October xx

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