As anyone experienced really bad lower abdominal pain after a failed cycle? Its like period pains but slightly worse paracetomol isn't touching it, still not had a period yet and heartburn along with this as well is horrible 😩
Pain after failed cycle: As anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Pain after failed cycle
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I had this last week. My cycle failed and the period was horrific. The pain was awful but after 3 days it went away. The bleed was very heavy! Hopefully it will calm down for you soon. I took a mix of paracetamol and ibuprofen to keep the pain at bay.
Was your period late? I have bad periods as it is so no wonder im in so much pain im dreading my period actually coming it was due yesterday.. clinic have told me to test again in 2 days to make sure im definitely not xx
Hi Toniloux
Yes I’ve had really bad pains too. The pains started before the bleed, but that came through the night last night. Barely slept due to the pains and paracetamol not having great effect! And just like you have terrible heartburn. Drinking peppermint tea whilst I type this reply. We’re like for like at the mo xx
Yes sounds exactly the same, well we will get through it wont we got to stay positive through this journey, il be glad when i feel normal again, pepermint tea sounds good 🙂 xx

Yep! Apart from all the pain I’m doing much better today. Move forward and be positive as you say! It’s what keeps us going and keeps us strong! Yea it’s all pretty horrid how it makes us feel. Literally peppermint tea has been my good friend since starting ivf! Take care lovely and hope you feel better soon x
Thank you, glad your feeling better xx
How many days after pessaries was it till your period? Xx
Sorry that you had a failed's always tough.... i hope you're ok...
The pain has been awful after my failed FETs so had to go hard-core and take solpadiene.... it's a worse period than normal and the pain much worse than I've ever had. Take whatever eases the pain and be kind to yourself...xx
Thank you, yes im going to be prepared! Got three 12 hour shifts in a row end of the week thats the bit im dreading, but i will be organised xx

That sounds like a tough few days. I hope you'll be ok xx
I will be thank you, im used to the bad period pains, just be glad when its over with xx