Hi ladies I'm just starting my 2nd attempt at ICSI after my first round failed in April. I have just completed the northisterone tablets but this time I have been feeling a little dizzy and hot flushes with them. The first round wasnt like this... was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this ?
IVF Meds: Hi ladies I'm just starting... - Fertility Network UK
IVF Meds

I am just finishing mine today!
They made me more emotional this time.
Our paths will cross as our cycles will be at the same time
Hopefully the stars will align for us both!
Oh wow 😁😁 fingers crossed for us both 🤞🤞🤞. Last time I had really bad pmt like symptoms on the second week but this time bloody hell... feel like I been drinking. Lol maybe see you next week x
Hi 😁 have you had your egg collection?
Tomorrow. You?
Had mine today 😀 wishing u all the best for tomorrow x
Super news. Have been hoping all was going well for you. Are you pleased with the collection?
Slightly disappointed as I was on more stims this time but I have have exactly what I had last time so I'm happy with that.... just waiting for the call 🤯.
Hopeing it goes really well for u today xx good luck
Hi there, egg collection done for me too. Less eggs collected than last time but I was expecting that.
Hoping you have had good news regarding fertilisation.
Big hug
Hi Kels, I’m on second FET and clinic advised for medicated one after a failed Natural FET.
Started northisterone 3x a day last Tues and been getting headaches and hot flushes. I thought it’s only me with all the vitamins and folic I’ve taken
Good luck and wishing you all the best on your cycle xxx
Defo not.. maybe its because of the weather has changed but I'm soooooo glad to finish this evening 🙏🙏... bring on the injections.. think the worse part for me are the northisterone and pesseries
Hi, bit late to the party here as i’m sure you’re on your stims by now but yes the down regulation tablets did make me feel funny, a bit nauseous and pmt like, i think it’s quite normal and i felt different second time around, maybe because we’d only had a months gap between cycles so so medication still in the system?? who knows but just seems to me that each round is so different even when taking similar medication that it’s so hard to tell what’s normal!! Hope all going ok with your second round 🤞🏻 sending good luck vibes