I know I should be really grateful. Today I had a transfer of a good quality blastocyst and I know I’m so lucky to get to this point but on Saturday and again on Monday they told us we would likely have some spares to Freeze. We said this was going to be our last cycle so we were really pleased we would have some to freeze so we would have another chance if this one doesn’t work out. Even this morning when I went in for the transfer they said the next best one had also got to a blastocyst stage and looking good for the freezer. They called later this afternoon to say that it seems like the back up has stopped developing and won’t survive the future thaw.
I know if I was talking to someone else I would say ‘it only takes one’ but I think I let myself get carried away and expected to have the back ups. I was so positive about the transfer this morning but now I feel a bit shaken and lost my confidence with it.
Any advice or tips on how to boost my positivity so I can get through the two week wait? Thanks.