I haven't had a normal menstrual cycle since our failed IVF in March ๐ AF took 7 weeks to come after my 2WW even though I started bleeding 8dp5dt, and when I did get my period it was horrific that I wanted to go on the pill until our FET after our holiday in September but the pill didn't agree me with me and wasn't on it long enough for it to affect my cycle, I had all the signs I ovulated this month, temp increase and fertile mucus, had lots of sex and now I'm late.
I want with all my heart to believe that I might actually be pregnant but I feel like I'm setting myself up for a big disappointment ๐ I've never been more than a week late and it doesn't happen very often, my cycle is bang on 27/28 days, I thought I might be stressed but if it's stress related my period usually comes early! Whenever I decide to test it's usually just as my period starts or ends up being negative anyway and then period starts a few days later ๐
I've had some spotting and yesterday had AF cramps that I was convinced she was starting and nothing, I just don't feel like I might be pregnant but something is off that I don't have my period and I want to wait another week because then if I test I'll know for sure by then rather than test again and again until either my period starts or it's been long enough for me to get a conclusive result
I don't know who to talk to because I don't want to get my family's hopes up I'm thinking I'm pregnant when I might not be and don't really have any girlfriends that I can talk to so any advice would be appreciated
Thanks xx