Hello guys I'm literally so fresh to this site this is actually my first comment, I've been googling (my partner doesn't want to try ivf again) and come across this and thought it's exactly what I need!
I feel like I have no one to turn to!
I am 26 years old and we have been together for 5 years, my first round failed in November and actually as we know it was crushing I didnt do nothing but cried in bed all day! Anyway he knows how much I wanted to try again thinking it was a WE wanted to try and again,
I'm actually mid flow of the drug taking for my frozen cycle and I can tell he's not 100% in to it as he was the first time anyway we sat down and I've asked him about it all and he's saying that he doesn't really want to try again!!
What do I do??
It's wrong of me to carry on if he doesn't want to I hoping this can help me out I feel like I can't turn to my family as they all want me to have a baby I can't turn to my partner