Cried on the way home from egg collec... - Fertility Network UK

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Cried on the way home from egg collection

hifer profile image
18 Replies

So I’m not sure if it’s the hormones or the relief of getting it over and done with, but I found egg collection all a bit overwhelming today. I had 10 eggs collected which I was so disappointed with. I know some might be really happy with that (and I’m not knocking that number) but it’s all relative. My scans showed that I was looking at 12-15 follicles as a conservative number and my embryologist said that all viable follicles he could see had eggs in them, so I guess some just didn’t mature. Am assuming not all with fertilise and then not all embryos (presuming we have some) will pass genetic testing which I guess leaves us with a few. I know, it only take one!

Anyway all premature until we know if they have fertilised or not. No advice needed really! Just not feeling as I thought I would 😔. OH is being really positive but today I’m struggling.

Wishing all those going through EC a speedy wait until they hear news on fertilisation. My whole life is about waiting. Now for a good film and feet up on the sofa!


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hifer profile image
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18 Replies
Drives profile image

Aww bless you. Sending a big hug 😘

If it's any consolation- I cried all the way home too 🙈 I think it was a mixture of the pain relief wearing off, feeling totally overwhelmed and a sense of relief I had done everything I could to get to that stage. Went home and slept for 4 hours 😂🤣

Good luck lovely. 10 is a great number and will keep my fingers crossed for your phone call tomorrow x x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Drives

Actually that really is a consolation thank you. Glad it wasn’t just me (although don’t want to wish you being sad!!) You’re right, I wonder if it’s sleep deprivation too as been having erratic sleeping patterns whilst on meds. Thank you for your very kind words xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey, 10 is a good starting number....well done! Rest up, take it easy and remember to drink lots of water!! Good luck for tomorrow!xx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you very much. Xx

gemmy999 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear your feeling low. I can understand how you are feeling. I had EC today and only got 6. I had 12 last time so I’m really disappointed and also cried after the procedure 😢 I wish our eggs/embryos well tonight and that we get good news tomo. I do worry cause I know how quickly the numbers can go down. We just have to stay positive. What’s done is done. Rest up and look after yourself. I’m really sore. Snuggle down for the rest of the day. Let me know how you get on when you get the call. Good luck. Be kind to yourself. Xxx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to gemmy999

Ah so sorry to hear you’re feeling a bit blue as well. That’s the thing, if it translated as eggs collected=viable embryos to transfer, we’d all be laughing! Wishing you all the very best for fertilisation too, my egg collection buddy! Hope you’re not too sore and likewise, please keep us updated. Loads of luck 🤞🙏xx

gemmy999 profile image
gemmy999 in reply to hifer

It’s nice to have a cycle buddy. We’re at the same stage so def stay in touch. Message me anytime. Take care. Hope you sleep well. Xx

Dogpark profile image

Hi hifer 10 eggs is very good, congrats! I had also 10 eggs collected originally, while, similarly to you, I had 12-15 follicles. I ended up with 5 good quality blastocyst from that batch. I was told that in our age range, 12-13% of embryos are pgs-normal, that said, it's very erratic, some cycles contain a lot of normals, then others none at all, so it's hard to predict. (I read that 50% of cycles in our age group contain at least one normal). I would get in there with the mindset of doing 2 cycles if you're doing PGS, that said, if your clinic also agrees to transfer abnormal embryos, it doesn't really matter.

Get some good rest for your next steps.

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Dogpark

Thank you very much for the advice and for the stats. Yes you’re right, I need to get into the mindset of doing 2 cycles and then I won’t be disappointed. After fertilisation and testing, the numbers do go down. I guess I was hoping for a handful of viable embryos but the reality is perhaps that I should be grateful for one. Xx

Dogpark profile image
Dogpark in reply to hifer

Have they shared live birth rates stats per cycle started with you after PGS? I feel that it’s one thing if the pregnancy rate after transferring one embryo is 50% but if very few embryos make it through testing and you only transfer those, live birth rates might be lower, albeit with a lot less transfers and miscarriage risk.

MofM profile image

I also cried after my last egg collection. They were seing 20 follicles on the scan, but only 6 mature eggs could be collected (5 foliicles popped up earlier, 8 were "empty" or contained immature eggs, and 1 egg was not mature). Yet, is not quantity but quality and 10 is still an amazing good number! Finger crossed for you!

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to MofM

So sorry to hear that. It’s so hard isn’t it and so many variables! Thank you. I really struggle with the quality not quantity debate. I know it only takes one viable embryo so need to get over it! Xx

Minnie92 profile image

10 is a really good number don’t beat yourself up, you’ve done amazing! I had 11 and it worked for me! It really does only take one and try and keep positive, watch some funny films and eat what you want, you deserve it xxx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Minnie92

Amazing news and so pleased it worked out for you. Great success story. Thanks for sharing xx

Kiedy84 profile image

Hey well done, you got this far. This will feel like life is from one phone call to another. It's hard that's true but it's going to be worth it. Feet up and Netflix on🤗🤗

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Kiedy84

Thank you. Yes on to the next stage. Roll on fertilisation xx

Militarywife7 profile image

Well done sweetheart, it’s such an emotional time so it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. You got a great number, so please be proud of yourself. Try to have a nice relaxing evening if you can - I know it’s a nervous wait for the updates ❤️ X

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Militarywife7

Thank you. Yes it certainly is a nervous wait. Amazing news on your update xx

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