Morning ladies, I tested this morning, day 6 after FET (5day blastocyst grade 5ab) because I was worried all night due to slight bleed and wanted to prepare myself. Here are the results, thoughts? I don’t want to get too excited as I know it’s far too early, but anyone else have positive (although faint) this early and still had one on OTD? My test due date is Wednesday 24th.
*Sensitive post* potential positive, ... - Fertility Network UK
*Sensitive post* potential positive, or too early?

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I tested 7 days after FET and was positive and then positive on OTD.
Good luck for next week xx
I tested 7dp6dt...I'm 9 weeks today 😁 so big congrats to you!! 🙌😘 and that line isn't that faint 😉 hope it gets darker over next few days 🤞💖 xxx
Thank you, I’m praying and hoping x
That’s looking good and no trigger in your system 🙂
Well its definitely a positive! Congrats, will hopefully just get darker and darker! Good luck for OTD.xx
Congratulations defo a positive!!xx
My dad had an asthma attack and passed away on 27th Dec 2017 after being in intensive care for 3 days, I put my transfer on hold until now as I wasn’t in the right place mentally. Yesterday I went to funeral directors to pick up a silver chain with his finger print engraved on it. I put it on straight away yesterday afternoon and asked my dad to help this happen, and maybe that just worked 🙌😊
FET, so no trigger, that definitely looks like a positive- congratulations
I had a positive this early and lil man is 4 weeks old now 😊
Definitely positive..congrats 😀
I got my BFP on Monday day 7 after transfer and was worried too! But otd is Sunday and Iv tested everyday and are still positives! Congratulations! Xx
Thank you all so much, I can’t describe how I feel, it’s been so difficult. I feel like I’m in that dream that I have had many many times over the past 17years ttc. I have tested again today (just couldn’t resist, worried it was a broken test) and line looks stronger today on day 7 🤗
Such an amazing feeling xx so glad it’s getting stronger, such a good sign! I feel like I’m going to wake up and it’s all a dream, I still can’t believe it! I’m filled with anxiety but just enjoying this little bubble me and my hubby are in for now xxx
Think I have to do one every day now until OTD Wednesday, just to know that all is ok. It’s so surreal, I want to start looking for things, all those things that you quickly walk past in the shops so not to get upset. I’m so happy for you too, I know I’m jumping ahead but what happens when we call the clinic with results? Do they just discharge you to a normal hospital etc? X
I’m doing one everyday because I just don’t believe it’s real! Aw I know it’s so hard not to get excited! My clinic are ringing me on Sunday afternoon, they book us I n for 6 week viability scan and then go from there. But apparently my clinic are so behind with scans that they aren’t until 9 weeks. So if that’s the case I’m going to either ring GP and get one booked locally or pay for a private one x
They said if positive then continue with estrogen tabs and pessaries, although only have enough until OTD. Will my gp be able to prescribe?
Congratulations!! My clinic had me go in same day to collect more meds when I phoned with a positive result on OTD xx