Does anyone know what the difference is pain wise between ovulation pain and PMS pain?
Ovulation pain vs PMS pain: Does anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Ovulation pain vs PMS pain
Well if you are regular, usually the time during the month at which the pains occur is a pretty good sign. Period pains are usually followed by a bleed, whilst ovulation pains happen about 10 days after the bleed.
For Me a period pain is across my lower abdomen whereas ovulation pains are just to one side. Period pains are also accompanied with other symtoms like the odd spot, the urge to eat junk food and over the top emotions. When I ovulate I'm not really affected in other ways.
Hope that helps.
Ovulation pain is more stabby, higher and to the side and PMS pain for me is more like an ache spasmy lower pain...
I agree with the others. For me ovulation pain is also crippling to the point where I can’t eat without throwing up, where as period pains are just something I feel while getting on with my day though I recognise that everyone will experience both types of pain differently.
For me, period pain in low down in my tummy, where as ovulation pain is on the left or right, and for me, usually accompanied aching around my hip! It can be quite intense when it happens (it's woken me up before), although for the whole day I feel a bit sore on the side I ov. I also get sore nips just before from the oestrogen and usually have weird sexy dreams when I am about to ovulate!!! I have a regular cycle too, so the time frame helps identify them.

Hi Missea. I think the others have described the difference in pains well. I would only worry if you get a persistent one-sided pain that doesn't go away, just in case it might be an ovarian cyst. Diane
I have never known or experienced ovulation pain until 2 months after using the hormone injections no longer having treatment at present, which I think has emphasised my symptoms that I've never experienced, my ovulation pains are the same as others have explained but this month I have experienced both sides on lower outer sides is this normal too??