Extra Scans - Thoughts please - Fertility Network UK

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Extra Scans - Thoughts please

Sprockerlove profile image
11 Replies

Hi all

I had my viability scan yesterday and 7+1 and it was all good news with x1 very fast and strong heartbeat. Obviously we are over the moon and so very very lucky. I have been highly anxious through the whole process and seeing this amazing scan yesterday has actually made me worse not better, much to my disappointment. I thought the reassurance of yesterdays scan would make me feel calmer, but now all i'm thinking of it how many weeks to the next scan. I mentioned to my other half last night about getting an interim scan done, its £90 at babybond that hold clinics in the same building as where i work. My other half has more or less categorically said no and its a silly idea, and i'm obsessing already and we were told everything was fine and to basically relax, enjoy and wait for the next scan. In my head i was thinking if i private scan at 9 1/2 weeks, that's only 2 weeks away from now, and then only hopefully another 2 ish weeks until scan at the hospital. Am i being stupid? am i being neurotic? Is it necessary? What does everyone else think? TIA xx

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Sprockerlove profile image
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11 Replies
Lots8788 profile image

Many congrats!! And lovely to hear that all is well with baby! I can understand why you're anxious. It's such a long journey to get here and then when it happens it must be surreal!? Maybe go and speak to Dr if you're feeling anxious? Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I dont think you are being neurotic at all! Both of the girls that I know that had IVF both had a scan in between like you are thinking. One of the husbands said no way to extra scan but relented when he knew how much she needed to check. The other one had heaps of scans throughout! Ha ha ha I had planned in my head that if we were lucky enough to get past viability that we would do viability then another in between the 12 week scan. My hubby thought it was a bit excessive (maybe its a man thing), I think if its what keeps you sane then what's the harm!!xx

If it will ease your mind I would do it. I’ve had mc’s found at 12 weeks and had no other scans before so didn’t know there was a problem earlier on.

It’s good news everything is fine I’d try not to overthink too much x

Kelpineapple profile image

I completely understand! We had our viability scan at 6+1 then another at 8 weeks and am booked for another tomorrow when we’ll be 10 weeks. I am the same anxious, scared something is going to go wrong which isn’t good for baby so this is my way of putting my self at ease. Go for it! Xxx

kt_11 profile image

Congratulations! I really do understand how you feel and I actually asked this same question when I was at a similar stage to yourself. My dilemma was that I desperately wanted to get the reassurance of an additional scan, but felt that if anything had unfortunately gone wrong, I would have preferred to find out whilst under the care of the NHS.

I decided to go for it and looking back I’m glad I did as it helped me settle my anxiety between 7 week scan and dating scan (which wasn’t until 13+3!)

Might just be variations between different parts of the country but £90 sounds a lot. The company I used was definitely cheaper for a ‘reassurance scan’ (because I’d already had pregnancy confirmed by scan) as opposed to ‘early scan’ so maybe just check whether the £90 option is the right one? I’d be happy to recommend the company I used (it’s a national one) but sounds like babybond is quite convenient for you. xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Maybe shop around to see if there's somewhere cheaper, then present it to your OH as a bargain? If it will ease your mind, it's worth it.

I don't live in the UK and everything's private, and I have antenatal checks every 5 weeks where he does a quick ultrasound, so that, together with the full anomaly scans, means we see baby about every 3 weeks and it has helped me loads to stay calm and enjoy pregnancy xxx

Kari55 profile image

Lovely news! I can totally understand that you want another scan. This is a highly anxious time. I’ve had mine at 6w + 6 and will have next one at 9w + 3. My clinic do 2 scans as a standard but I have to pay for it £200. XX

Hollibob profile image

I think it’s difficult for the OH’s to appreciate how nerve wracking it is worrying about every day and step in this journey.

We had our viability at 6+2, after spotting got the community midwife to refer us to EPU for a scan to check at 9+6. We’ve just had our 12 week scan.

In my head, I thought with our history; recurrent mc’s, my age, donor egg IVF, visiting a zika country, having endometriosis, we’d get more scans, but the next one we have booked is the 20 week....

I’ve said to hubby that I don’t think I can survive 8 weeks with how terrified I’ve been and then nothing after 20 weeks!! He’s accepted that if it’ll help me, then we will pay for extra scans.

Sometimes Groupon do deals and there’s another company who are called window to the womb who sometimes do offers.

Do what you need to do x

DC5867 profile image

I had a private scan in between with both of my ivf pregnancies. It’s not stupid at all. My cousin also had them with her natural pregnancies having had a miscarriage with her first pregnancy that she didn’t discover until her 12 week scan. One doctor told me that a scan doesn’t stop anything bad happening, which is true, but it can provide reassurance. So the question is whether you will feel better or worse with that reassurance and if you feel you can justify the expense. Sounds like all is well so far, all the best for it to continue that way x

I had a scan at 6 weeks and another at 8. After that I found I was more anxious on the lead up to the scan than the relief it gave me, so I waited for my 12 week scan. Everyone is different but you just have to do what is best for you xx

Sprockerlove profile image

HI all, thank you for your advice. It turns out now OH has agreed, whether hes given up as he knew i wasnt going to, i dont know! But ive booked for when im 9 1/2 weeks on 27/4.

In my head its just breaking up the constant waiting game. And thank you for those that suggested i look elsewhere, i have found a clinic in bromsgrove that charge £55 and then if i have anymore with them only £35. Much much cheaper!! Thanks again :-) xxx

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