OH & I decided not to continue with treatment after having 5 unsuccessful cycles of IVF/ICSI. We were referred for treatment after Initial tests showed very low AMH, below 1, and slightly lower sperm parameters than usual. Haven't been back to GP since initial tests and referral 2+ years ago.
Decided to stop due to money and the emotional and physical stress. We have taken a few months off. I have recently been wondering if we should go to GP and see if there are any other tests that can be done. OH is getting an updated sperm analysis soon. And although my AMH is low they have collected eggs on 4 out of 5 cycles and got two good quality embryos that failed to implant so trying not to focus on AMH too much.
Has anyone had any experience of asking for additional or specific tests from GP? I've heard thyroid tests mentioned a few times...
Any suggestions welcome. Thanks x