Hello ladies,
I am just curious, how many embryos did you ladies transfer before you got your BFP? And also, how many before giving birth to a baby?
Thanks in advance,
A x
Hello ladies,
I am just curious, how many embryos did you ladies transfer before you got your BFP? And also, how many before giving birth to a baby?
Thanks in advance,
A x
I have transferred 8 embryos in total over 5 transfers. We got a BFP on the 5th transfer but sadly had a miscarriage!xx
Thank you for your response and sorry to hear about your miscarriage Whats your next step? I have transfered 14 embryos over 2 IVF cycles before finding out that I have high NK cells
I start injecting for my 3 IVF tomorrow. This process is soooo hard!
Thank you. I'm going to be starting a new cycle soon but need to let my body recover. Have your clinic prescribed you meds for the NK cells? I took prednisolone and intralipids on my last one and that is the first BFP that I've had! Wishing you so much luck, sounds like you've been through the mill!xx
I will be taking 20mg of prednisolone and baby aspirine. I took 5mg prednisolone with my last transfer and got a slight positive on pregnancy test so I am hoping that the dose was too low. Hopefully it will work with a higher dose. I also had laparoscopy done 3 mc ago and mild endo was removed ...
I might be also doing PGD testing this round if I get a good number of embryos. Just need to wait and see how I respond to the meds this time
Fingers crossed for both of us for the next round xxx
That's great that you have a plan in place. All sounding really positive! I think I took 20mg for 5 days then went down to 10mg and I was gonna ask if I could maybe take a bit higher! Good luck.xx
Thank you 😊 I am trying to stay positive about all of it but I also have days where I want to just give up Why did they ask you to lower the dose? I have talked to some women in a similar situation, they kept with the dose that worked for them and after 12 weeks mark they started lowering slowly over a few days and then completely stopped.
That just seems to be the Greek clinics protocol that I'm with, to stay on the 10mg up to 12 weeks. I may well ask to stay on the 20mg if there is no reason to not do the high dose. I reckon 20mg is the highest they like to prescribe.xx
How did you find out? How are you being tested and treated? X
Hi! Yes, I pushed for a test for NK celles. All my other test results were good, husband no problems, all my embryos growing to day 5-6 no problem so I had a gut feeling that something must be up with my immune system. Will be taking steroids next cycle to calm my immune system before next transfer x
2 embryos together on first transfer and 1 stuck. Not here yet, but looking good kicking and wriggling away at almost 20 weeks
Congratulations! Wishing you an easy pregnancy x All the best
Thanks hon. Sorry to see you've had such a tough time of it - best of luck with the next cycle. Are you doing anything different?
I will be taking prednisolone this time. I got pregnant naturally 4 years ago but unfortunately had a miscarriage. With my two rounds of IVF I produced good numbers of eggs and all my embryos were great quality at day 5 so there is a good chance that it is my immune system that is giving me troubles. We will see I am prepared to try it for a bit longer...
7 embryos transferred in total, over 6 rounds of ivf. 3 through own eggs and 4 donor. First bfp was with 2nd and 3rd embryos from donor but sadly ended in miscarriage. I am currently 23 weeks with 7th embryo.
3 embryos and 3 transfers. First 2 transfers were BFN and I am currently 34 weeks after my third xx
I feel incredibly lucky to say it worked first time for us with 1 transferred. Truly blessed 💙
I’ve read so many heartbreaking stories on this forum and I know some people here have been through such tough journeys and think they are absolutely amazing for carrying on x
I’ve transferred 7 embryos over 5 transfers, all 3x I transferred 1 embryo were BFP but cycles 1&4 ended in mmc. Currently 32 weeks pregnant after 5th transfer x
Congratulations! 31 weeks, not long to go! You must be excited 😊 all the best x
Hello, 2 embryos transferred. 2nd one stuck and split...27w with twins (although with super high risk) :). Don't lose hope x
2 transferred- first ended in miscarriage and second worked and now I have a one year old x
3 embryos transferred during 3 cycles, no BFP yet though. Starting again later this year. Good luck for round 3 🤞
Thank you and ditto xx 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Seeing these numbers from you all and knowing the rollercoaster/ heartache/ effect on your body that these cycles can do makes me in awe of you all. You are all incredible.
We were really lucky with one and one. Hoping for another one and one this fet round.
3 transferred in 2 times 1single BFN and 2 embies both stuck twins boy and a girl miscarried them at 22 weeks.
I am so incredibly sorry, how devastating 😐 life is just so unfair sometimes! Take time to heal and take care of yourself xx
I’m having embryo 7 transferred today. No BFP yet x
Good luck for your transfer today! I am starting my meds tonight for IVF number 3 x
Good luck! I’m on cycle 3, got 7 useable day 5 embryos from this cycle so am hoping one will stick xxx
Good luck to you too x I hope I will get a few embryos this time planning on doing PGS testing if I get a good number x
10 embryos over 3 transfers got one baby out the last 3 they transferred xx
first round = 1 5 day embryo that implanted quickly and then I miscarried early on
second round = 2 3 day embryos, nothing happened and I was told my eggs were granulated in that cycle?
third round = 1 5 day embryo and I now have a 20 month old daughter. I had the scratch during rounds 2 and 3 plus tablets injections and pessaries. we had one embryo to freeze and the third round was short protocol and I took dhea for 12 weeks before.
I just had my fet, but my test was yesterday and I am not pregnant. now considering round 4 x
1st round I had a 5 day blast transfer which resulted in BFP but a few days later ended in chemical pregnancy.
2nd round another 5 day blast which again ended in a chemical pregnancy.
I’m going to ask my consultant to look into my immune system and to check our embryos. Something must be going on here! I can’t seem to hold onto them past 5 weeks xx
I had 6 3 day embryos and 8 blastocysts transferred and none took, that is why we started looking into my immune system...
I think it might be just bad luck given that you only had two but might be worth looking into it, you might just need a little help with some blood thinners or steroids
Did you do PGD testing on your embryos or did you get one blasto with each retrieval?
I got my BFP with my fourth embryo and fourth transfer. Currently 16 weeks 💕
1 attempt own egg negative. Second attempt with donor egg. Transferred 3, 2 stuck and have twins now.
I’ve done 7 embryo transfers via 6 rounds. Had two BFPs (the two times after I’ve had a scratch) but sadly never get past week five. Haven taken clexane/Aspirin and had my NK Cell’s tested ( which are fine) so don’t know what to try next? Feel my body is rejecting them in some way 😔
I know your pain I am in a very similar situation. Did you do PGD testing? Sometimes it takes ages for it to work
I have heard of women having 20, 30 transfers before they were successful! I am trying to stay positive about all of it but it is a nightmare when everything looks fine and it just doesn’t work
I had very elevated NK cells in my blood so will be on steroids next cycle ... not sure if it will work, a lot of doctors out there believe that implantation failure has nothing to do with it though....
Ooh what's PGD testing?! I agree, if there was a problem then you can try to fix it. But when there is no obvious problem it's so frustrating...
Hi there, did you find out what it was? I had 4 chemicals a year ago.. cant get after 5.5 weeks
Yes, after another chemical I decided to go for PGD. I had 30 eggs retrieved, 25 mature, 15 of them fertilized, 8 made it to day 5 and only one is completely healthy! Waiting for the boarders to reopen so I can have my transfer x
I had pgd testing done and currently 11 days post transfer. Not sure how it will be. Dont feel optimistic. Nit sure what else can help here
Stay optimistic, that will help x My doctor told me that with a completely healthy embryo we have 65% chance of pregnancy and only 5% chance of miscarriage. It is a great chance you could be pregnant now xxx 🤞
thank you! Let see in 2 days. Going for blood. At the moment still hcg I'm my system I think. I had booster shot 6-7 days ago.
I was so amazingly lucky and the first fresh cycle transfer of 1 5day blastocyst was successful. My little girl is almost 9 months now x
My fresh embryo didn't result in a pregnancy but my first FET was successful. So my second transfer.
6 embryos over 3 transfers. One stuck on 3rd transfer and currently holding my 5 month old baby boy. Don't give up hope. Wishing you all the very best in the world. Xxx
Hi we had 2,and now have boy girl twins who are 2 weeks tommorow.
We had one transfered on our fresh go, got a bfp but then lost it, then transfered one for our frozen and the little frostie is currently laying on my chest fast asleep xx