Hello all. Hope you’re all okay. Have been in between stimulation cycles so haven’t been on here for a while. Had a message from another friend today saying she was pregnant. It was a very thoughtful message as she knows we are having fertility issues but it was still hard to read. My job has been very stressful over the last few weeks too so I have been a bit low this week. Anyone else having one of those weeks? xx
Feeling a bit low: Hello all. Hope you... - Fertility Network UK
Feeling a bit low

Sorry to hear you’re low. I think we all have better and worse patches in this crazy process. pregnancy announcements are defs one of the tough points - no matter how sensitively delivered. Hope you can plan some nice things for yourself at the weekend and be kind to yourself. Yours is a different journey to theirs but I hope it will end in the same place with a loving family. Thinking of you. Xx
I'm sorry and pregnancy announcements are so tough but how sweet that your friend was very sensitive. Doesnt stop it hurting though, doesn't seem to be any quick answers on this journey but I just wanted to say it OK to feel low, I think it's natural. So don't be hard on yourself try and treat yourself to something nice this weekend to cheer you up, hope you feel better soon xo
Hey. Sorry to hear u feeling low. It understandable indeed. So hard when hear pregnancy announcements. Feels unfair at times a. Not long to wait now a til get going again. Really hope everything goes well for u 🤞🤞 xx

Hi Kat. Oh bless you. You need support yourself just now. Have you had any counselling? If you're not still under a clinic, then speak to your GP and see how he/she can support you. Just be careful who you spend time with for now, until you feel a bit stronger. You could even contact the British Infertility Counselling Association bica.net They deal only with fertility problems and relationships around them. It is a charity, but there is a charge . Perhaps you have a close friend or relative that you could confide in, as it can be so lonely at such times. Thinking off you. Diane
It's actually quite okay to feel this way. Don't be too hard on yourself. It will all be fine, honey. Best of luck to you. I can relate so much to this! My prayers are with you. Hit me up if you feel like talking. You'll get through, I'm confident.
Oh, this is so relatable. I want to let you know, that you'll get through. We're all humans, honey. It's okay to feel a little low regarding all this. TTC tends to put you through it. It's cruel, to be honest, haha. I'm sure it'll work out for the better. Baby dust and love. x
Hi Kat,
So sorry you are feeling so low, and I'm not surprised the news is a bit of a blow. Oh yes I'm sure there's many of us on here having one of those weeks.
I've just come back on after a couple of weeks off because I'm feeling so sad myself and was also looking for some comfort too. Just heard a birth announcement + picture, and I'm so pleased for her she's been great, it's just she was pregnant with her first when we met, 2 yrs ago the time passing has just hit me.
I've just started back at therapy, as had a miscarriage in Jan. I was seeing someone aug-nov and it really helped but I'm still learning how to do sad in the healthiest way possible but it's hard isn't it?
Thanks all for your kind messages which were much appreciated and helped. Feeling a bit better today and being kind to myself. Sending hugs to you all. xxx