Hi everyone,
So my husband & I had the news yesterday that the reason for his azoospermia is due to Y chromosome microdeletion, & our doctor has said there is probably no point going through the sperm extraction process and ICSI as he very much doubts there’ll be any decent sperm there, and we’d only pass the gene on if we were to have a son.
We half expected to received bad news but I think actually hearing it is very different as at least before there was some hope.
So the sperm donor path and IUI is our next option. Before our appointment yesterday we were both very much open to the sperm donor route. Now we’re faced with it and emotions are so high after receiving the news just yesterday, we’re questioning it all.
We want to raise a child without a doubt. But, if I was to be told that I’d been conceived using a sperm donor & my dad wasn’t genetically mine, I feel I’d want to know more about my biological family, the numerous half siblings that are out there, what my biological father was like etc etc. I feel it’d effect my mental health. Could we possibly put that on to our child’s shoulders?
Or do we never tell them? And then what if they got sick and needed to know paternal medical history or receive treatment that depended on it? Could we lie to our child?
Family have been very encouraging and said genetics aren’t everything and the child will develop so many of my husbands traits just by being raised by him. Their bond will be there from day one undoubtedly. But will it be the same as if it were his very own?
My husband said after our appointment yesterday that he could fill the void for 5-10 years with holidays, hobbies, socialising with friends but then he’d feel a huge void for something he hadn’t done which he has always been longing to do. He’s so paternal compared to a lot of men out there. Seems like a really rubbish twist of fate.
Sorry for going on and on. This is where my head is at today and I needed to vent to clear my head a little. Thanks to those who’ve taken the time to read this, and I hope whatever journey you’re on, you get the outcome you deserve, and happiness xxx