Gynacologist update: Hi everyone! Just... - Fertility Network UK

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Gynacologist update

Faith27 profile image
6 Replies

Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd share a little about what's going on for us now we have a bit of a plan in place.

We (more so I as I'm the one with the lady bits lol) seen a Gynacologist today who agrees that all the symptoms and horrendous pain should be looked into prior to beginning any fertility treatment.

She has referred me for a laparoscopy to search for any signs of endo and to do a tube dye test at the same time. I'm feeling so pleased and positive that we are finally moving in the right direction!

While I know there will be lots more waiting to come, my periods are insane at the moment and I'm really glad that she has taken things that I've said seriously especially given that if I have endo or tubal damage, that IVF may not stand as much of a chance of working.

I must say that I was very prepared in advance and was ready to put up a fight! She said she could 'see something' on the left side when doing a swab during the internal but that she wasn't sure if it was a sign of endo.. found this a bit strange, especially as another Gynacologist said he could feel a mass of tissue of some sort on that side but oh well time will tell what that could be.

Just thought I'd share my experience and hopefully upon the outcome of the laparoscopy.. we will know where we are with our (what seems) never ending journey of trying to conceive - absolute end goal!

Hope you are all doing OK and here to chat if anyone has any questions or wants to share their experiences with me too.


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6 Replies

Hi, good luck! Ive just had the HSG, next is to decide whether to do the lap. I had IVF in November which was unsucessful so onto the next thing.. Is your lap consultant one from a BSGE centre, ive been reading about these on Facebook!

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to

Hi thanks for commenting :)

We're to have the HSG type test during the lap which I'm pleased with - one less legs up in the air experience!

So sorry to hear your recent IVF was unsuccessful.. is it that they are querying endo as the reason?

We were wondering whether to try a round of IVF and then have endo investigations but each month recently my pain has got worse and worse and has completely debilitated me at times so we felt it sensible and thankfully so did the doc to do the investigations for endo first.

I've been seeking advice 're. The BGCE registered centres a lot and from what I've read, unless it's pretty definite that you have endo (which can be impossible to tell without a lap!) It's more likely that a general gynae will do the initial lap and then if endo is present and severe or apparent in difficult places such as the bowel etc. Then they will refer for a second lap by a specialist that is BGCE registered.

I guess it's different for everyone but I'm happy to have a diagnostic lap with a general just incase it proves not to be endo. Yes it's going under twice but I jumped at the chance of a lap today. She did reassure me that she would refer if it was serious which was my peace of mind.

I'm not sure you can demand a specialist referral without being certain endo is there - I had a mixture of feedback about this if you read some of my previous posts. Xxx

in reply to Faith27

Ah thats interesting its all a bit new for me so useful to hear! Time was not on my side with the IVF so we just had to give it a go so might be going backwards a bit but I think my symptoms need investigating. Ive got to wait until the end of March before I see the consultant but hopefully will decide what to do. They suggested lap & dye initially but it was all a bit much straight after the IVF so had a break & doing it in stages but getting ready to move forward again ! Id do as much as you can pre if your symptoms are as bad as they sound and you have time to investigate! Xx

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Faith27 in reply to

Yeah to be honest, I was happy to just go along with whatever the Gynacologist suggested today! If she said try IVF and then we can review.. we would have done it too! I was ready for a fight on my hands to get the lap. I've heard that even with endo, IVF can be successful so it's really hard to know what to do for the best. I've read it's successful for 1 in 3 so there's always a higher possibility that it won't work unfortunately :( I hope you and your partner are coping with the difficult news ok. I'm dreading that part of our process so kind of relieved that were getting possible answers in advance - I feel it's preparing me to know if IVF is likely to work or fail!

If you have had any symptoms of endo, do push for a lap - it's the only way to see what's going on and it can really impact on fertility.

I've also heard that you can become very fertile after a HSG test so fingers crossed it will happen naturally for you before your appointment next month.. it sounds like you have been through a lot :(

Us ladies don't get to have much fun down below do we! Bloody tests and tests and waiting and waiting.

I don't think you've gone backwards though with what you have tried, I'd say that you're also trying all the options on offer just in a different way. There's no winning routine that works for all unfortunately by the looks so fingers crossed to some answers shortly for you too xx

in reply to Faith27

Thankyou & you too! Yes its been a difficult time as we couldnt progress to a second round which was annoying but trying to go with what will be will be but think still worth exploring the endo. Yes agree re the HSG, fingers crossed haha!

Im hoping to go private eventually to speed things up. I hope you get sorted with yours soon! Xx

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Faith27 in reply to

Aww yeah that must have been difficult and very annoying for you both. Definitely re. The HSG.. lots of bedroom antics just in case!!!! ;) I'm hopeful in that department .. read loads!

We seen a private Gynacologist and it was 3.5k for a lap.. plus extra expense for removal of endo etc. I couldn't warrant paying that amount of money without being 100% sure it was worth it and on the basis that it was our IVF fund if the NHS rounds didn't work :( so public waiting list it is for us! Time wise it seems to be different across the county but I'm hopeful I'll have a letter at some point and then she said it will be a few weeks after the pre op so fingers crossed!

Best of luck to you. Keep in touch! Xx

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