Hiya, this afternoon I've had some cramping, and some cervix pain. I put my progesterone in rectally. When I've gone to loo tonight I noted a tiny dot of red on wiping, so I pushed the tissue up a little bit and my vagina felt tender and had a bit more red. Still got cramping now, and a bit more tiny bit of bright red. Don't think this would be implantation. My test day isn't till Thursday. My hubby has now got really angry and upset that it all seems to be going wrong. I did some housework today, but this shouldn't have caused this. And I though progesterone was to stop you bleeding. I've been so upset. Prepared myself for the worst again this time, but can't believe how upset I've actually been. Shall I ring clinic tomoro? X x x
10dp3dt and cramps and slight bright ... - Fertility Network UK
10dp3dt and cramps and slight bright red on wiping.

Hi 2018hopeful. I know exactly how you feel. Try not to worry too much as it can be normal to experience a bit of bleeding. Take it easy and keep positive. I know it’s hard. Ring the clinic tomorrow for reassurance. Xx
Spotting can be normal (I searched so many old posts to find out more about it on my last cycle). Even progesterone doesn’t fully stop it. It still doesn’t mean anything but totally understand how worrying this is when it happens. Sorry your hubby has taken it hard - are you doing anything to pamper yourself between now & Thursday? Thinking of you Xxx
I'm hoping it is just my cervix. Not got anything nice planned really, might meet a work colleague late tomoro afternoon, car service Tues and optician Wednesday. Just getting things done whilst I'm off work that I can't normally fit it. Good luck for tomoro! Let me know how you get on x x
About 10 days after my transfer I started bleeding. Not spotting... like full on bleeding. A few days later I went in for my hcg test and to our surprise they said pregnant. They did say my levels are on the low end but hopefully we will be reassured everything is ok during our ultrasound in 8 days (longest 8 days ever...). But just keep positive. I to be honest was convinced that there was no hope but God blessed me. Just stick to your meds and try some bed rest
Just wanted to say biggest hugs to you. It’s a crazy time. One minute you are thinking about the different ways you can tell people it’s worked. The next minute it feels like game over. Sending you positive thoughts.xx
Bleeding could be an irritation to the progesterone if you say you are sore inside? Good luck hope all turns out ok xx
Just saw this. How are you feeling? I think it’s totally normally. Bright red is new/fresh blood as opposed to dark red which is like a period blood. Could be just the suppositories causing it. Hang in there both of you. Hope is not lost until your OTD. Defo ring the clinic.
Hoping the spotting has eased off this morning. Sending a big hug your way xx
Hello 2018hopeful even I started spotting after 9days of transfer than on 10th day doc had given me injection to keep it for emergency gestone injection I was injected with that injection gestone for five days than on my 15th day test I came positive still I m having some spotting.. Don't worry darling bleeding happens as its not natural process of pregnancy we r making a baby inside so lot of things r happening stay positive n ya one thing Dr even gave me duphaston tab thrice a day morning afternoon n night n don't put that gestone from front put it rectaly good luck
Feeling your pain and worry too, I have just had some blood when I wiped too 11dp3dt. Been so full of symptoms since Thursday but been trying to keep positive. DH thinks it's all over though. I'm booked onto a poetry course this morning so hope that will take my mind off it, not looking forward to this afternoon when there will be time to panic by myself. Really hope that we are both having pregnancy /progesterone symptoms. Love to you and your DH xxx
Well I've spoken to clinic this morning. Nurse said I shouldn't have any spotting at this point, implantation should have already happened. Also said that as I'm putting progesterone in rectally I shouldn't have any spotting. She's was lovely, but isn't able to reassure me, could hear the pity in her voice. Just advised me to continue medication, have a duvet day and eat some chocolate. I said I'd been avoiding chocolate cos of the caffeine, she said a little won't hurt. Just have to wait till Thursday to test now. Think it's game over tho, and feeling like a failure again 😢😢😢😢 x x
I experienced many weeks of red bleeding post transfer, it was very scary. On the scan it showed two small areas where my lining had broken away.
I am now however 36 weeks pregnant.
Please don't panic when you see blood, the negative feelings are not good for you. Call the clinic immediately, get checked out. Keeping everything crossed for you!
Sending hugs. Definitely a tough day today. Xxx