Question re FET: Hello lovely ladies I... - Fertility Network UK

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Question re FET

Niki_B profile image
21 Replies

Hello lovely ladies I hope you are all keeping well xx

Quick question...I think Cinderella may have already answered this question for me but I forget lol. Im starting my FET next month as I've only had 2 fresh transfers I'm unsure about FETs. I'm only taking prognyova I think day 1 of my period? not even sure as I'm suppose to call clinic on day 1, but how long will I be on Prognyova before I will have my transfer? Silly me forgot about a concert I'm suppose to be going to March 2nd and I'm thinking I cant go now as I might of had my transfer by then (AF is due 9th feb) I have standing tickets so will be hours of walking and standing in a rowdy crowd so maybe not a good idea in 2ww...I want no regrets Xxx

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Niki_B profile image
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21 Replies
MissSaoPaulo profile image

I started progynova on day 2 of cycle and progesterone on around day 10. Transfer is usually between day 14 and 18 so I guess you'll be PUPO by the time of the concert - might have to give it a miss.

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thanks for your reply. Oh damn I thought so! I really wanted to go to this concert bought my ticket months ago it's a once in a lifetime thing little ole New Zealand we dont get too many big artists! I could postpone FET a month as my doctor said I can start anytime I want to. but dont know if I really want too wait..arrrgh decisions 🤔😩

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to Niki_B

Go quite late, after gates open, so no queuing to get in? Skip warm up acts? Stay near the back? Definitely no jumping but you can have a little boogie - if you really want to see the show it would be a shame to miss it and women who get pregnant naturally do all kinds of sh*t before they know they're pregnant and it's fine. We're extra careful because so much is at stake for us but, you have to live your life too!!

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Its gonna be mayhem the concert sold out in about 2 hours when tickets went on sale! Plus I have standing tickets its gonna be packed right out i had plans to go with a group of friends if I go late I'll never be able to find them! Its Eminem concert so its gonna be a bit rowdy especially not having seated tickets and like you said were so extra careful my anxiety thinking what if I get knocked over...I trip over something..I'll be on my feet for hours.. arrrgh dont know what to do it would probably be fine but yes, I want no regrets 😩🤔

Cinderella5 profile image

You may well be in the 2ww by then hun but so long as you're not gonna be jumping around like a mad woman then I would have thought an Eminem concert will be ok. However, you do need to to balance it with the fact you dont want any regrets and you sound worried about it. See how you feel, I dont think it wil be detrimental to your success but you have to decide.xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Cinderella5

Yeah I know I'm sure it would be fine...but knowing me and my anxiety and if I get another BFN I'll be blaming myself and thinking that going could have been the reason why. Stupid I know but you know how it goes...oh I dont know what to do I have a couple weeks to decide. I could always push my FET out another month then I could properly enjoy the concert...or just go anyways in 2ww but then if I dont go and get another BFN I'll be kicking myself for not going! Arrrgh cant win lol xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Niki_B

Yep, that's the horrible things about this....we always blame ourselves when it doesnt work out and the reality really is out of our hands but equally that is easy to say when you arent dealing with a BFN! Just take some time to think about it, discuss with your OH and see what he thinks.xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Cinderella5

Yeah just gonna have to have a good think about it...I hate decisions lol 😉😩 xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Niki_B

Ha ha ha a woman after my own heart!!xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Cinderella5

Hahaha 😜 anyways how are you feeling? When do you fly out? Xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Niki_B

Im feeling ok about this actually! Hubby is having a bit of a nervous breakdown which in some ways make me feel stronger. He's terrified its not going to work again. We fly out on Saturday, got a bit of snow here today and its baltic so quite happy to be going away. My boss (who is a surgeon and should know better) has spread a throat infection & cold virus 👊 around our work so Im feeling pants (Im the only one left that isnt off sick) but I figured it will maybe give my immune system something to think about and try to focus on that and leave my embryos to flourish....wishful thinking perhaps!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Hey,sorry for jumping in but have you had a flu injection? Apparently it boosts your immune system and is meant to stimulate embryo transfer xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Ha that's ok! No I didnt bother getting the flu injection, Im not really up for all that. Funnily enough my colleague did and she is suffering more than me! I do think that whatever Ive had my immune system is working hard to fix it so hopefully will leave my embryos alone. Im also having intralipids and steriods so will see what happens.xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Cinderella5

Awww sorry your hubby is feeling like that you both have definately been through alot! It's good like that tho when one partner is down the other one compensates to try and lift them back up 🙂 oh gosh not good of your boss you definatley dont want to get sick right now. I guess you will be flying out soon and getting g away fro the lurgys at work! Xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Niki_B

Yeah he's all over the place, think he feels our chances are slipping away I do however its like hoping to win the lottery and not having a ticket....aint gonna happen so gotta be in it to win it!xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Cinderella5

That's right hun you gotta be in to win we say in NZ! 😉😉 I'm really excited for you I got a feeling this've been through enough it's about bloody time huh! 🙏🤞🐣💕

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Niki_B

Awww thanks niki! I want to say I have a feeling too this time but I dont know if im trying to overcompensate for hubby being so damn pessimistic....its usually me! F knows....its a bloody lottery, now where's that crystal ball....mmmmm! Lolxx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Cinderella5

Good keep that feeling....well yes it is a lottery but eventually your gonna hit the jackpot...and your number is being called! 😉🙏🤞🐣 xx

Saya85 profile image

Aww I know how you feel

We were thinking of doing our next FET in march but hubby doesn't get annual leave until April and I really feel like squeezing a holiday in before I try again

- esp as it seems like Ill have to be on bed rest the whole first trimester if were lucky enough to get a bfp again.

I went on a night out to London meeting with friends and family and had a bit of a rushed day.... Ended up miscarrying that night. Although I know it may have had nothing to do with that part of me wished I had been home and resting.

So it's up to you but if it's just a case of one month and no regrets you might want to delay it.

Have a last hoorah with your friends before you get preggers hopefully 😊

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Saya85

Oh that's right I remember your post I'm so sorry for your loss and what you've been through 😓 but I really dont think it would have anything to do about going out... but see you will beat yourself up about and keep doing the what ifs I would be the same way, when in reality it's not the case. This journey is so difficult and unfair sometimes 😞 how are you doing now? Any plans yet moving forward? Xxx

Yeah I have a couple weeks to think about it the answer will come to me I'm sure. I just hate decisions and am so indecisive 😩xxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Niki_B


I was trying to schedule the dates so it wouldn't clash with a family wedding but I guess it took care of itself in the end (!)

Thank you- I'm doing ok- funnily enough I think I'm having more wobbles now than before. Reality sinks in that you're not still pregnant and all the reminders keep popping up and stupid FB and Google algorithms keep bringing up pregnancy and baby things because I searched those while pregnant !

Other than that trying to get health back to normal and have a girly holiday coming up - just trying to enjoy life before we try again in April

Thyroid definitely playing up though as feel absolutely shattered all day 😪

Best to think about how you would feel after - pros and cons and then make a gut instinct decision - easier said than done but better to be safe than sorry sometimes 🙂

Good luck

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