I’m having really bad..what I believe is morning sickness, how do I get ride of it or make it less bad I literally can’t keep anything down and every time I move I feel and sometimes do throw up. I also have a sharp pain in my right part of my lower abdomen
HELP ME PLEASE : I’m having really bad... - Fertility Network UK
Ohh my it’s awful and I had it really bad. I don’t think there is a miracle cure to be honest! I got through with dry crackers, noodles, ice lollies, ice ice cold water and tried to eat plain foods. It helped a bit but I just ate what I could to give me some energy. How many weeks are you? Mine eased up around 13 weeks and went completely and that was heaven. You just have to get through it my love.... I thought it would last forever but the weeks soon pass and it will get easier xxx
Contact your Dr. hon and don't let them fob you off. There are medicines you can take and you shouldn't have to feel like this.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly ☹️ It sounds like it might be wise to get some medical advice - you are at risk of dehydration if you are being sick so much, and with the pain as well it sounds like you could do with some help. If I were you I'd give NHS 111 a call (if in the UK) or your clinic if you have had treatment? Best of luck x
Gosh sounds horrible. Mine isn't as bad but I did try sickness wrist bands and they seem to help a bit. I have also given up eating big meals and just snack throughout the day which has helped.
However I would go to the doctors or call 111 as I am not sure you should have pain like that x
I’m 9 weeks at the moment and although I haven’t been sick, I have been extremely nauseous to the point where I have ran to the toilet. For me eating small amounts of food throughout the day helps as when I get hungry or skip a meal that’s when it seems to start. I also keep some ginger biscuits in my handbag
Hi,sorry ur feeling like this. I’m suffering too with morning sickness but not only morning but all the time. I’m 9 weeks today with twins. I vomit all the time n I have lost 6kg in 4 weeks. I try ginger tea but it doesn’t help much. I hope u get it sorted. My doc didn’t give me anything for it.
A sharp pain could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy so please go to your doctor to get checked out xx
I've been prescribed anti sickness drugs as mine was really bad. You do have to stamp your feet but you should not feel this ill and the medication does work. It never takes it away fully but you can at least eat and drink and function xx
Hi M. Only just read this. By now I hope you have seen a doctor in case you have developed an ectopic pregnancy. I hope not, but you must get checked out, if not already done so. Diane