I’m going to be starting down regulation tomorrow on cd 19. I’m getting nervous about the injections that I will start on cd 21. Husband is away with work so will have to do on my own 🙁
Anyone else beginning treatment shortly? & How are you coping?
I’m going to be starting down regulation tomorrow on cd 19. I’m getting nervous about the injections that I will start on cd 21. Husband is away with work so will have to do on my own 🙁
Anyone else beginning treatment shortly? & How are you coping?
I'm not in treatment at the moment but I wanted to wish you lots of luck. Xxx
Good luck! I was nervous too about the injections but honestly you do get used to them. Are you starting with Gonal f? Good luck xx
I started buserelin on day 23 (16 days ago) I was nervous about the injection but honestly, it’s not as bad as we make it out in our heads! I promise you’ve got this!! I think I have been lucky as the only side effect I’ve had so far is being tired. Although, my period started Thursday and boy oh boy, the bloat and pain was baaaaad! I managed to go to work though so it could have been worse. Good luck for starting down reg
I'll be starting my first cycle in 1.5-2 weeks. I'm on the short protocol, so no downregs for me. I'm feeling a bit nervous about the injections. I've seen a couple movies lately with IVF and they were stabbing the shots in quite forecefully. I hope a gentler approach will work just as well.
Of course I hope the cycle goes well, but I'm trying not to put too much pressure on getting a positive outcome the first try. My plan is to stay in the present and practice good self care. I know I really don't have any control over whether this works for me, so I'm just surrendering to the process.
My anchor thought when I feel anxious, afraid or sad is that I know I will be a mom someday and if I'm not, it just means I haven't reached the end of my journey. I try to keep an open mind and remind myself it's not a matter of if, it's just a matter of how and when.
I hope this helps. Good luck!! 😊
I know what you mean, I’m sure we’ll get used to it quickly though.
I’m trying to be a positive as I can be. Yes that’s a good idea to be in the moment instead of always looking to the future.
I’m sure we will get there in the end it’s just taking a little longer we had than hoped for.
Good luck to you to! 😊
I used buserelin injections for my fresh and frozen cycle (now 27 weeks after the frozen transfer!)
It’s natural to be nervous but you will get used to them. Sometimes it stings but other days, I really did not feel anything. Pinch the skin and commit to the stab! Rotate round your lower tummy- they talk about a smile under your belly button. If i got apprehensive some days, i remembered how I used to feel every time i saw my period every month when trying and that helped me focus. Take it day by day. And drink LOADS of water- I was pretty lucky re side effects. Just a few hot flushes at night. Good luck!!
Thank you that is helpful, I was hoping my husband would be here to do it for me, but as he isn’t I will just have to be brave. Yes that’s good thing to think about, the reasons why we are doing it definitely out weigh the pain or nerves of doing it.
Yes water, that is something I must remember I always forget to drink throughout the day! Which cannot be good.
Thank you 😊