Hey girls- I've been quiet for the last few months after a MC but today i have just had my first IUI insemination. So the two week wait begins! Nervous/excited!
Anybody else gone through IUI and have any tips?
Any2 week wait buddies?
Hey girls- I've been quiet for the last few months after a MC but today i have just had my first IUI insemination. So the two week wait begins! Nervous/excited!
Anybody else gone through IUI and have any tips?
Any2 week wait buddies?
Wishing you lots of luck xx
Good luck. No tips, just try to keep yourself occupied! All the best xx
Thank you xxx
Hope it’s a positive result in 2 weeks!! I’d be interested to hear about your IUI journey as I’m going to have IUI next year. Good luck!! xx
Thanks hun me too!
Well i had first round IVF - which sadly ended with a MC at 9 weeks.
So ny IUI is with my natural cycle so rang the clinic on day 1 of my period then went for a scan on day 10 to check my egg. Size wasnt right so wasnt ready for ovulation. Day 15 my egg was ready to ovulate (size 20) anda nice thick lining (11). So booked in for the insemination the following day. Had to have the ovatrell shot the day/night before. Insemination was slightly uncomfortable (crampy) and now im one day after and looking for symptoms!! Will keep you updated! Is your iui with natural cycle or with egg simulating injections?
Thanks for the information. Really hope this works for you!
They are talking about using drugs to stimulate ovulation as I’ve been on the depo injection for a long time. I’m still waiting for my cycle to get back to normal first though.
Good luck! xx
Indeed...finger’s crossed!!
Sorry new to all this - what is TWW? The wait? 🙈 xxx
Thank you hun! xx