Hi all,
Just a little update...
So I opted for the IUI option back in January. I met someone later that month who completely understood my want for a child and was willing to stick by me which was lovely.
I had my first IUI with donor sperm on 13th march, unfortunately AF started a week early so was a fail Was told the Sperm motility was only 50% so that wasn't fantastic & could have been a factor but who knows.
Teed up IUI #2, drugs delivery was arranged. However after work that day I noticed AF wasn't really starting properly, was a bit on & off so decided to do a cheapy test, thought I saw a teeny faint line, so done a clear blue, there was also a light line, thought a digital may confirm & indeed the answer was 'pregnant 1-2'.
How amazing, it has happened naturally! Totally unexpected but smiles all round. After doing a series of tests each day since, the line has become darker but still hasn't sunk in & I cannot believe it!!
Have booked an early 8 week scan a few days before my first midwife appt, so now got an agonising 3 weeks ish to wait! So nerve wracking hoping everything is starting in the right place.
Sending baby dust & positive thoughts to all you other ladies out there. I am very nervous as it's really early days but so incredibly excited alongside it. I truly wish for as many of you to be able to have this exact feeling ASAP.