Hi everyone,
I'm a new to the fertility network but hoping to hear about people's experiences with HyCosy and medicated IUI.
We've been trying to get pregnant naturally for 18 months. My husband had low numbers across the board which have since improved a lot (aside from morphology) since an embolisation for varicocele back in May last year. My side of things are thankfully good with really high AMH and ovarian reserve.
We're currently on the waiting list for NHS IVF and choosing to try IUI whilst we wait. It's my high AMH which I'm told puts me at high risk of OHSS with IVF and to be honest is terrifying me to start. I was hoping IUI would be a less invasive route to try first but I'm worried about starting a medicated cycle of IUI with Letrozole (which we're told will increase our chance of pregnancy rather than opting for a natural cycle of IUI).
Does anyone have any experiences with medicated IUI and high AMH? I understand there is a possibility of producing too many follicles and having to cancel the cycle? And has anyone had a HyCosy? I've read a lot of horror stories and trying to manage my expectation of the pain.