Just wanting to know if anyone else has had late onset OHSS and how long did it take to settle down? I had 5 day transfer on 14th and started with severe bloating this week and some nausea, went into clinic on Thursday as they wanted to do some bloods and offered a beta hcg, which came back positive and well within the normal range!! Obviously I am very happy but at same time so uncomfortable and fed up with the OHSS symptoms. Back on Monday for a scan to see where the fluid is. Making sure I drink plenty but just want to know what other peoples experience of this have been x
Positive result but late onset ohss - Fertility Network UK
Positive result but late onset ohss

Shanks_21 went through something similar I believe although I don’t know if she actively checks on here anymore but perhaps you can take a look at her posts for some reassurance. Congratulations on the bfp. Hope you feel better soon xx
Congrats for the bfp! Hope Monday goes ok 🤞 xx
Hi there, I too had severe OHSS following a Day 5 transfer and was treated in hospital for 3 days. Bloods taken daily or every other day - checking all sorts of markers, including beta hCG. It has settled eventually, after about 3-4 weeks and my ovaries are slowly getting back to their normal size. It does take time... Look after yourself and try to enjoy your pregnancy xx
Hey, hope your feeling ok. Has the ohss symptoms calmed down? X
Hi Steph. Still really bloated, went for a scan on Monday and had free fluid in both ovaries, dr wanted to refer me to hospital but in end agreed I could keep coming back for checks at clinic as long as I have blood thinning injections. The injections are awful really sting. I do feel a little bit better as week goes on so hopefully the symptoms are settling down. How are you? xx
Aw that sucks. I had the blood thinners too I found them more painful! and I kept getting nose bleeds haha.
I hope it eases up for you.
All good here. I have my baseline scan next Tuesday and then the nurse appointment next Saturday to start round two. I’m so ready for it. Seems like such a long four months. Xx
I think hurts more as well when your so bloated and then jab that in. Fingers crossed. Still can’t let myself believe I’ve got a positive result, think I’m trying to prepare myself in case scan on 12th December isn’t good, even though I know I’ll still be gutted if it’s not good news anyway.
Hope everything goes ok. When will you be able to start treatment after that? xx
I really hope it’s good news for you! I guess it’s hard to be excited about but you should be 😊 best Christmas present ever. Do you have some time off work?
I’ll keep you posted.
All being well it will be my next cycle which is before Xmas. Even though the lab is closed Over Xmas it would fall well to start meds. I’m hoping it’s then. I’m in the egging on my period stage and I know in a few months I’ll be praying for it to not start haha xx
I know and it’s daft worrying about something I can’t control. The 2 week wait for the test seemed to go faster than waiting for the scan.
Yeah I’ve been off sick since last Friday and I’ve asked my doctors for a note while I get sorted out.
That would be good to get started ready for new year. Got everything crossed for you xx
I bet it’s feeling a drag! Probably feels longer then if your not at work to make time pass quicker.
What kind of supplements have you been taking can I ask? I’ve started using the Zita west supplements wether they work or not 🤷🏻♀️
Any tips on what you’ve done for this cycle?
Yeah! Be so happy if we could. We’ve ended up being private patients now but the appointments are so much better than before so it’s less stress to get time off. Xx
Yeah I think that’s the thing, now I’ve got loads of time on my hands it’s going slowly.
I just took boots preconception vitamins and got hubby to take wellman preconception vitamins as well. Haven’t really done much different we already have a good diet, we were told to eat plenty of green veg and protein for egg and sperm quality. For awhile now I’ve been doing low carb and doc also said to avoid processed sugar. I only drink decaf tea and I stopped drinking alcohol altogether awhile ago to make sure I was in best shape xx
Do you do walks or anything like that. Weather is crap this time of year but I always find a decent walk helps clear
my mind from thinking too much
Ah ok. I find it harder to get the best protein because Were vegetarian I just eat a lot of eggs nuts and seeds and all my greens.
We’ve cut out alcohol completely and only have 1 coffee a day. I read so much different stuff for preparing yourself but everyone has a different opinion on what’s best. My other half thinks I read too much about it haha.