Hi ladies, If you had late onset of OHSS, what did this feel like? I think I had mild OHSS after egg collection with a swollen belly and was barely able to walk. This calmed down and I had an embryo transferred. Quite a few cramps and bloaty but things where ok. Since today (6dp5dt) my stomach is huge again and I am in a bit of pain just standing up straight. The bloating moved up again (it moved down when subsiding) and if I am breathing in more heavily, it hurts in my upper belly. I feel a bit nauseus but that is probably the progesterone. No vomiting and no absolute dehydration (still can go to loo). So now I am not sure. I drank something a bit off yesterday by accident and it could be that or maybe could that be late onset of OHSS? Thank you!
Late onset of OHSS?: Hi ladies, If you... - Fertility Network UK
Late onset of OHSS?

I had late onset OHSS with my double transfer last year and it started around 5 or 6 days after transfer. I was admitted to hospital as my bloods were very dehydrated and had lots of free fluid in my abdomen and chest cavity. My breathing became quite laboured but I wasn’t in too much pain even though my ovaries were touching. At first both embryos took (hence the OHSS) but lost one at 8 weeks. I found it got a lot worse very quickly so see how you go and definitely phone your clinic if you begin to feel worse. OHSS is basically a reaction to the HCG so you get it at egg collection and then normally, when your body starts to produce it in very early pregnancy so hopefully it will be good news for you 🤞🏻 It can get quite serious though so be extra careful and definitely call your clinic if you feel bad. Good luck 🤞🏻🍀 xx
Hi Jen,
Need some advice from your experiences, did you have to drain the fluid from your abdomen or it disappeared gradually? If you didn't need a drainage then do you recall how long it last all this abdominal pain & liquid?
It looks like symptoms are very similar to yours, I've spent one night in the hospital as well for the same reasons, it's one week now since I've been discharged but my abdomen looks the same and liquid still there, it's so painful for my ribs too, it's adding lot of pressure... I just wish this ends soon or at least somebody to tell me that it gets better!
Thank you,
Hi Maria,
Sorry your still suffering. If I remember rightly, my bloating eased around a week or so after being discharged from hospital, so around 6 weeks pregnant? However, my ovaries were touching and very enlarged until my 12 week scan. I’d say keep your fluids up as much as possible and just try and rest. It was awful and I put on 5kgs if fluid but it did ease.
I really hope it eases for you soon but if it doesn’t, I’d perhaps go back to your Drs to see if you can get some drainage.
Take care xx
Hi Jen, yesterday I've noticed that my fluid started to ease as well, noticed 1-1.5 kg loss, which made me so happy. I got around 4-5 kg overall too. I'm still bloated but it's my 3rd week of pregnancy only and 1 week since I was discharged from hospital. So hopefully by week 6-7, I will be less bloated. They called me for a blood test too on Wed, results were OK, next week will repeat them, they will monitor me weekly as far as I understood.
Overall I feel much better since yesterday, not that bloated, no pain, just little bit of ribs and abdominal muscle pain but guessing is due to the tension added all this week.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it really helps. Wish you an easy pregnancy and take care!
I just had absolutely horrific pain. Not so much bloating actually, but was very short of breath. I was admitted to hospital twice with pain and severe dehydration from it. I think it affects everyone differently.
Keep an eye on it and call clinic or go to hospital if you start to feel worse xx
Hi, I've just come back from the clinic and was diagnosed with ohss. I was finding difficult to stand up straight, even walking has become painful. My upper belly and pelvis area are really tender and painful. I've been getting cramps. I've also felt like I'm getting a double dose of cystitis and thrush. Anyway, it started 4 days after embryo transfer. Apparently as its a fresh cycle my ovaries haven't had time to recover. I've been send home but with go for a scan tomorrow. They have asked me to keep an eye on my weight as size of belly. I've also been told if breathing is affected or my im not urinating then i needed to go in. They given me some pain killers and if there are no issues then it should start settling. That if I don't get pregnant. Im not sure what to think apart from its painful and really uncomfortable. Im so sorry to hear your going through the same experience. I would go and get it checked out for your piece of mind. Fingers crossed it clears up. 🤞
To everyone else, thank you for sharing. Its reassuring.
In hospital right now. I don't know yet if they think it is OHSS. My belly keeps on growing, sodium levels are a bit low and the ovaries are still big but no big amounts of fluids in cavity! Am also weighed and measured regularly. Hope you get better soon and it is all worth it! 🤞
Update: so this was moderate late onset of OHSS and I am very excited that I am allowed to go home today! Will still need to wear compression socks and take heparin shots and am not allowed more than 1,25l water a day (so thirsty!!!) but I can go home ❤ Thank you for all your comments! I hope I will have a bfp on Wednesday but had quite heave AF like cramps this morning, so not putting my hopes up.
Hi ladies, I going through the same OHSS at the moment and is very painful, my belly is so big and swollen, to me it happened 1 week after embryo transfer (14th Oct). I've been to the emergencies on 21st Oct, hospitalized for 1 night as I was little bit dehydrated and very bloated, they did some blood tests to me and confirmed I'm pregnant too and that's the reason why the symptoms are much accentuated and it can take up to 5 weeks which is not pleasant to hear.
The problem is that yesterday I've noticed a new symptom which I haven't heard of so far so not sure if it's because of OHSS or current medication (cyclogest). My labials got swollen and irritated, they're huge, I got so scared last night, did this happen to any of you??? I'm really worried to be honest! I went to emergencies again in the morning and the doctor said that apparently it has nothing to with the OHSS as the swelling is on the exterior only, everything inside looks ok, but I don't know what to believe, I'm really scared. Doctor said it's an allergy to a product or something, but told him I didn't change anything in my hygiene lately, so really don't get it. They promised to call me back today to provide me 1 creme and some tablets to improve that, however didn't receive any call so far... I can't wait to see if any good!
Please let me know if any of you got this issue? I'm really worried even if the doctor said it's just an allergy.
Thank you,
First of all: congratulations! As for labia swelling , that did not happen to me. It was just my belly getting huge + pain etc. Maybe the cyclogest is doing something weird? It started irritating my cervix around week 7. As for the duration...I am 9 weeks and still swollen and while most of the pain is gone, it still hurts when I have been moving around too much. So don't get worried if it doesn't go away in 5 weeks. Is a reaction to the hormones and who knows what they are doing.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. So I shouldn't expect to get rid of the swelling soon, at least I feel more relieved that the pain will go away gradually. Have you been advised to use those anti-embolism stockings?
With regards to the labia swelling, yeah, I couldn't see this symptom within none of the testimonials, so I might be an rare case, don't know...what's strange is that it goes away overnight and comes back during the day when I start to move around, I think is the liquid which is going down to that zone, otherwise I can't explain it. I'm scheduled for a scan on Wed, hopefully I can get more clarifications from my doctor.
By the way, did you have any liquid drainage? or it just dissapears by time? I understood this procedure is recommended to severe cases only. I'm quite worried as I read that big amount of liquid can affect your other organs like liver, kidneys etc, hopefully all good.
I would try to worry not too much. If they see loads of liquid, they will drain. If they catch it early enough though, and they restrict how much liquids you can have, it might not accumulate and you don't need draining. I didn't luckily. They do see in an ultrasound if there is liquid or not. As for the swelling: everybody is different. Don't worry if it goes away fast and don't worry if it doesn't. It really depends how your body reacts to the pregnancy hormones and that is so different already with the usual symptoms and varies as well with the ohss. My swelling is not so much liquid but rather still giant ovaries, so maybe this is why it lasts so long. Resting makes a world of a difference for getting rid of the pain, so take it easy! I do wear my socks religiously, also over night. Now that the weather is wet, they are easy to hide in boots and under trousers. I got myself some prettier ones with less compression for skirts without boots too but I should tell you that I am slightly paranoid because clotting issues run in my family. Just follow what the doctors tell you. They are very careful with ohss and would not give any advice that puts you in danger. It is good to track if you suddenly have a lower urine output and swell up again/more. Then you should go to A&E again. Measuring around the belly is good but don't get worried - it bounces up and down quite a few inches from day to day without it meaning something bad. Good luck for Wednesday!
Many thanks for sharing all these, it really helps exchanging information. I can't wait for my scan on Wed, will try to clarify all these queries, I should be less worried after that.
Appreciate your time!