This afternoon I had a FET of our only frozen embryo. It has been a natural FET so no meds not even pessaries my usual consultant said. I am feeling a lot more positive and relaxed this time round I had a course of acupuncture which has helped me relax. Today it was a different consultant to my usual one who did the transfer and he suggested using pessaries again as I bled 8dpt last time and I'm kind of glad really as I was scared of not using anything after last time.
I felt quite poorly last time and was very bloated when I had transfer but this time it feels so much better and the embryo was a slight better quality (5BB) so I am praying and hoping this little one sticks around.
It has been a tough couple of weeks as my hubby is a type 1 diabetic and his sugar levels havs been off resulting in a paramedic visit in the early hours of the morming and a terrible grumpy mood which he doesn't seem to be able to shift so I have felt quite unsupported lately but I am determined to stay positive and take it as easy as I can with work and having 3 horses to look after it will be more difficult this time with it being the winter months and also because I don't have any help as a lady that used to help me the horses has left but I'm drafting in hubby to do the lifting and hard labour (much to his disgust)!!
Just chilling watching Friends as it always makes me laugh 😆 xx