Just no enthusiasm, please give me a ... - Fertility Network UK

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Just no enthusiasm, please give me a virtual kick!!

Jonesjp profile image
34 Replies

Title says it all really, I received my protocol in the post this morning and knew it was coming so that we can start our second round, but I just feel a bit numb to it all just can’t muster any enthusiasm for it. The last round was such a disaster, they took me through EC poked around and there were zero eggs. They have now added Clomid into the mix so hopefully that will help. I was so excited about our first round but that enthusiasm seems to have disappeared and I just don’t know how to get it back. I don’t want to delay the round as Christ it took us long enough to get here but I just don’t know how to shake myself out of this. Some virtual kicks up the bum from you amazing experienced ladies is probably what I need ☹️ x x x

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Jonesjp profile image
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34 Replies
LegoBatgirl profile image

You can do this. You've got some experience on your side now and you're going to kick *ss at doing all the injections and know loads that you didn't know the first time around x

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to LegoBatgirl

Thanks hunny id not thought of it that way, first time around I was so concerned about the injections and EC and those aren’t bothering me in the slightest this time around, I need to start looking at the positives x x

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to Jonesjp

Honestly you'll be starting from such a strong place, it'll be a lot more comfortable this time around x

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to LegoBatgirl

You are so right 😘 x x

MrsAdzee profile image

It sounds like you are going through the motions, completely natural. Hopefully the Clomid will prove helpful & all the best of luck xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to MrsAdzee

Thanks Hun, yes I hope so they only seem to be giving me 5 days of it but hopefully that will do the trick x x x

No two cycles are the same, especially as they've shaken up the protocol by adding Clomid to the mix. New protocol, new results. Be excited - this is a completely new opportunity and the past results belong exactly where they are: in the past. Crossing everything for you for this next cycle and sending you all the positivity in the world! Xx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to

Thank you Hunny, your right I need to get out of that mindset and leave the last cycle in the past, onwards and upwards x x x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Phillipsjp. One BIG kick coming from my way! Come on and get your act together. You know you've got to get cracking and we will all be behind you - forgive the pun! Thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Diane

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks Diane, I really did need a kick and I knew this would be the place to get it 😊 I’m starting to feel more positive about it now x x x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Jonesjp

Atta girl! xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I think its only natural that after a bad round that your enthusiasm dwindles....my first one was a disaster too with nothing to transfer. However it is right that no two cycles are the same and hopefully now that they have sorted you a new protocol it could be a differetn story! Massive virtual kick up the backside sent....you just never know!!xx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks Cinders, bizarrely I didn’t seem that upset after the first cycle went wrong, I think I tried to brush it under the carpet, I think it’s only really now hitting home knowing the second cycle is due! But I have to keep remembering no two cycles are the same! Hope your doing ok x x x

genten profile image

You can do it!! This is your time. Don't let anything stop you from giving this your all. We're all here cheering you on. 👌💪xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to genten

Thank you Hun you ladies are ace x x

MofM profile image

Don't concentrate on the process, but on the final results: a baby. Your baby!

Thinking of you! xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to MofM

Thanks Hun, I know this sounds silly but the process takes so long you almost forget why your doing it in the first place! I now that sounds odd but the whole thing becomes such an ongoing process it’s almost like autopilot, I definitely need to focus on why were doing this x x

vic77 profile image

you got this hun..look at some of the inspirational quotes folk been posting. ..lots of love and strength xx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to vic77

Thanks Vic I was taking a look yesterday, such a good idea of yours, it’s amazing how if your feeling a bit down reading one of those quotes can be enough to stir up some determination x x x

Abaco profile image

You are made of strong stuff and You can do this! Think of that end result xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to Abaco

Thank you Hunny, I knew you ladies would sort me out x x

everhopeful83 profile image

Sending positive vibes your way ✨✨✨xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to everhopeful83

Thank you Hunny, just what I needed x x x

🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️that's the closest emoji I could find to a kicking one!

It's normal to feel like this. You know that lies ahead and you know how much energy you will need. So you have automatically gone into protection mode. Like going into hibernation 😂

You know when the time comes you will be there 100%, you will be the amazing strong warrior that you are.

You got this and you can do this xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to

Lol I love you emoji, made me smile and that’s exactly what I needed thank you Hun 😊 your right I think the thought of it is more daunting than the actual process! The actual injections/Scans aren’t that worrying, I just needed a good kick from you ladies and it’s worked as I’m starting to look at it in a different way now x x

Carolina84 profile image

Can you tell me please how long did you have to wait for your second round? I had EC on Tuesday. Two eggs collected, one injected, no fertilisation :( Heartbroken. Waiting for my follow up appointment but don’t know how long I’ll have to wait...

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to Carolina84

Hi hunny, I know you just can’t get your head around it to begin with, I know we know it can happen you just don’t think you’ll be the one it happens too, I was so upset for the following week and then I think I just buried my head in the sand thinking its ok I’ll have another go and then when this protocol landed I think it brought up all the emotions I probably should have dealt with at the time it failed, this journey just messes with your head. I think I was trying to be strong and in hindsight I think I should of allowed myself to deal with it properly, clearly not quite as strong as I thought I was!! But to answer your question I had EC on the 4th Sept and I’ll be starting my next round on the 11th Dec, I believe they like you to have 3 AF’s before the next round, I have had my AF’s (well two so far) but there a bit all over the shop and not quite normal flow (sorry tmi) first cycle was 22 days, second one was 17 days which was a Bugger, but I should at least be happy that they have come back so quickly. I know it is heartbreaking and you feel like someone has just kicked you whilst your already down, but thanks to these lovely ladies on here I am now starting to look at this next round more positively and hopefully they will change your protocol next time around as well. Sending you much love and please take all the time you need to get your head around it all 😘 x x x

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Jonesjp

Thank you! 😘

wemma83 profile image

We’re on our second round and I don’t feel the same as I did on our first either! I think it’s probably a self preservation thing? You don’t want to get too excited but you feel kind of guilty that you don’t! I’m sure it’s completely normal, if anything I’m telling myself it’s a good thing because all those nerves and anxieties aren’t using up your energy 😊 Wishing you lots of luck sweetheart 💕 xxx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to wemma83

Thanks Hun, you are right It hadn’t dawned on me that a lot of this is guilt because you know you get this amazing opportunity (which if we didn’t live in this country then we may not!) and I should feel really grateful for and be all positive, but I just couldn’t muster up the enthusiasm, I am starting to feel more positive now ( I wouldn’t go so far as to say enthusiastic!) but your right it’s definitely self preservation. Wishing you lots of luck for this round x x x

Dunla profile image

You can do this! My first ever cycle was a complete disaster. One egg and no embryo transfer 😕

Wishing you lots and lots of luck. Remember every one here will be rooting for you xx

Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to Dunla

Thank you Hunny, it’s rubbish isn’t it and it seems to happen to more people than I thought, you just think that it won’t be you so then it’s such a bloody shock when it is!! I hope your doing ok, sending much love x x

Mantaray75 profile image

Don’t worry it’s complete normal. I had some cycles when I felt like this but once injections start and you start having scans it will at least seem that something is happening. My cycles were all quite different too. I had a cancelled first cycle cos no follicles and then second cycle had loads of follicles and 8 eggs collected.

You can do this.


Jonesjp profile image
Jonesjp in reply to Mantaray75

Thanks Hun, that’s good to know that your second cycle was so much better than your first, I was just thinking that it all felt a bit hopeless, but I’m definitely feeling a lot more positive about it now 😊x x x

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