We have just had our 2nd round (out of a three round package) with very upsetting/ frustrating results.
During our egg collection, the doctor kept trying for 45 minutes but said my ovary kept disappearing up between my bowel and my bladder. So despite everything having been really positive up to that point- no eggs. They couldn’t get anything from my left one either.
I feel so .. well I don’t know. Sad. Angry. Confused. Useless.
The pain after egg collection was worse than the first time and all I could do was lay in bed, crying, feeling wretched and thinking how it was all for nothing. All the money. All that time off of work. The daring to let a glimmer of hope in after the sadness and disappointment of the first round.
The doctor had said , pre op, that getting no eggs was a very low risk (5%) but I had not idea that there was a risk of the egg being there but him just not being able to grab it. Like one of those arcade games with the claw!
So now we have one round left. All paid for with borrowed money, so it will be our last chance.
I guess I just wanted to have a moan/ wallow in self-pity but also to see if this is something that has happened to anyone else?