Day 2 update- can anyone share their ... - Fertility Network UK

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Day 2 update- can anyone share their experience please?

LegoBatgirl profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone,

Had my collection on Wednesday and was a little bit disappointed. At my scans I had 7 follicles on my left and 12 follicles on my right. Sadly the 7 zipped ahead and I was told that had to remove them ASAP or risk losing them, so the other 12 on my left had to be let go :(

We found out yesterday thay of the 7 follicles there were 8 eggs. Only 5 were mature. 4 of those fertilised so we have 4 little embies being watched over for us.

We were called today and we have 1 x 5 cell and 3 x 4 cells. All of them are ok but showing a little bit of fragmentation so have been graded as a 2.

We've been told it should hopefully be a day 5 transfer on Monday.

I keep trying to tell my DH not to count his chickens and that there is a long way to go between day 2 and day 5.

Please can I ask what experience you guys had between days 2 and 5, how many embryos you had and what grades and whether any were suitable for freezing?

Thanks in advance x

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LegoBatgirl profile image
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18 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

I didnt get an update on day 2, my clinic always used day 3 for an update. Ive had very mixed experience if Im honest, never had any to freeze but on two cycles I went from 6 collected, 6 fertilised, 2 early blastocysts to transfer. 9 collected, 1 immature, 6 fertilised, 1x2BB to first one was a disaster....none by transfer day but all were pretty rubbish by day 3 although I dont want to scare you off as that doesnt happen often- all bfn. I was 38 by the way so egg quality was clearly an issue. It sounds like things are going pretty well so far. Fingers crossed for your transfer day.xx

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. It really helps to see what happened for other people so I can give my OH a range of examples. I love him and how chilled and positive he is, I just want to be able to share with him that there are quite a few possible outcomes x

MrsAdzee profile image

Similarly I didn’t get an update on day 2 but this is my very first IVF and here’s my experience;

🔸11 follicles seen on ultrasound prior to EC

🔸4 eggs collected

🔸4 fertilised

🔸Day 3 - 3 strong contenders left ( at this point we were advised to let them all try to develop to blastocyst day 5)

🔸Day 5 - 1 top quality blastocyst remaining (they watched one until day 6 but it wasn’t suitable for freezing)

We feel very blessed to have 1 top quality blastocyst from our cycle and it’s currently safely inside me whilst I’m on my 2ww. (It was frozen for a few weeks to allow my body time to recover from all the drugs).

I was initially disappointed, the doctors said that they had expected me to have 10 eggs at least. However, as the days went on and the nerve wracking wait for phone calls, I felt so so grateful for my 1 (hopefully it’s a trooper).

I really hope all goes well xxx

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to MrsAdzee

Thanks for letting me know. Best of luck with your official test day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x

MrsAdzee profile image
MrsAdzee in reply to LegoBatgirl

Thanks so much xx

There was a post the other day about this. The embryos changed so much over a very short space of time. It's great that you have the 4, just difficult knowing there is nothing you can do.

Hang on in there xxx

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to

Thanks. I used the search function but didn't find a recent conversation about the topic, I might have used the wrong search terms though.

I'm hoping that things continue to progress. You're right, the hardest part is not having any control over what happens next! X

Hi, we had 12 eggs retrieved, 10 were mature and injected (ICSI) and from those 7 fertilised. On day 3 four of these still looked ok, we ended up with 4 blastocysts graded A,B,C,C. We were told the Cs looked good but had followed a slightly abnormal growth pattern on time lapse so had to be graded C. I had the A transferred and the rest were frozen. Our clinic uses A-D grading. Good luck, I hope you get some good news at day 5, I remember how terrifying the waiting was xx

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to

Thanks so much for replying. It's so hard waiting, and it really helps to hear other people's experience x

Don't worry too much about the grading. On day 3 the majority of my embryos were grade 1, but by transfer all of my "best" embryos were grade 2 (I ended up with 2 day 5 and 1 day 6). One was transferred and was successful. Good luck going forward, will keep everything crosses for you xx

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to

Thanks so much for replying and congratulations that your transfer was successful. Just trying to keep my self positive x

Reb990 profile image

Hope you are feeling ok after your retrieval!

First cycle we had 18 collected but only 7 mature. 5 fertilised but by day 3 only 1 was looking good at a 10 cell so we opted to put it back then. By the time we got to hospital one had made it to a 6 cell so they suggested putting that back too as it wouldn’t have been good enough to freeze.

This cycle we got 14 collected, 12 mature, 12 fertilised and all growing well at day 3. By day 5, 7 had arested leaving 1 for transfer and 4 others potential for freezing. They let the others grow to day 6 and 2 made it to freezing.

Hope this helps but every cycle is different 🤷🏼‍♀️ You never know what can happen.

Best of luck x

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to Reb990

Thanks so much for your reply. It helps to remember that it's only the first round. There is infinite capacity for change and that's a big comfort x

You know me...! But,

4 collected

3 fertilised

2 blastocysts

both implanted, so no frosties! But we had our scan yesterday, and there is a little one in there with a strong heartbeat.

You guys can do this, you have done so amazingly to get to this point, just keep swimming and look after eachother xxxx

in reply to

ooo, and both the blastos were C-B x

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to

Thanks hun, honestly your story always gives me faith. I'm so glad you got your BFP and I'm really hoping our 4 keep developing x

Kcrochet profile image

Hi, just had my egg collection today and know how you feel. Out of more than 25 follicles we only got 8 eggs. Part of me is relieved there weren't 0 eggs (was genuinely one of my many worries) but also disappointed not to have loads. So hard managing expectations and just going with whatever direction this crazy journey takes us! I like your comment above about remembering this is just first cycle (same here), there can be other cycles and the outcomes can change each time. I have my fingers crossed for your little embryos to grow strong and steady over the next few days xx

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to Kcrochet

Thanks for responding hun. Hope you're resting up and hope that your collection wasn't too painful.

Best of luck to you and your embies. Keeping my fingers crossed for you x

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