Slow-growing follicles, anyone?! - Fertility Network UK

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Slow-growing follicles, anyone?!

Star15 profile image
17 Replies


I had a scan today and was hoping for egg collection on Thursday but my follicles are still growing quite slowly, the nurse said there are several but only 3 that are ‘doing what they should’ (which I guess means that they’re at a good size). Nurse said she’d like at least 3 more. Started on 112.5ml Gonal-F then 125ml then 150ml and today it’s been upped to 225ml! Have to go back for another scan on Wednesday then it’s looking like egg collection might be next Monday. Am disappointed it’s being pushed back but obviously it’s important to get it right!

Nurse said this situation was quite common with ladies with polycystic ovaries. Has anyone been in a similar position? How many follicles is optimum for IVF?!

All the very best to everyone as always x

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Star15 profile image
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17 Replies

I cannot advise but I want to wish you all the luck in the world. 💝I hope someone can give you some more helpful advice! xoxo 😘

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to

Thanks Jess 😃 Hope all is well with you! X

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey, try not to be too disappointed. The problem is the clinic would have started you on a low dose as they have to be so careful not to overstimulate you so and they can only make an educated guess as to what the best dose for you is and better to adjust up the way than make you ill. Best of luck to you!xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks so much for replying. Yes it’s good that the clinic have been cautious. I need to be more patient! Think I’d just had the dates for collection and transfer in my head for some time and pushing them back a few days seemed like a big deal when it really isn’t, much more important that everything is right. Hope you’re doing ok 😃 x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Star15. Of course you're disappointed, but we don't know how you will react to the drugs until you're under way with treatment. Hopefully a few more days will do the trick, so try not to despair, as the nurse says "it happens" and they need to handle you carefully with polycystic ovaries. Thinking of you. Diane

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks Diane 😃 x

gemmy999 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear your disappointment. I had this on both my first 2 cycles. I didn’t respond well at all. Only had 3 eggs collected on cycle 2 and still got to have a 3dt with a nice looking embie. I was also kept on stims longer on both those cycles. Had transfers on both. It’s good your clinic have adjusted your drugs accordingly. Lots can happen in a few days. I’m on cycle 3 now and this drug regime has improved my response. My first clinic didn’t adjust my drugs to my poor response. Good luck. You can do it. Xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to gemmy999

Thanks for your reply! Yes it is good the clinic are monitoring me so closely and adjusting the meds. Fingers crossed the bigger dose does the trick! Best of luck for your 2ww! X

gemmy999 profile image
gemmy999 in reply to Star15

Thank you XX

silverlini profile image

This literally happened to me! because I have a high AMH level they didn't want to give me high doses as otherwise my ovaries would be over stimulated. On my first progress scan the nurse said I had lots of follicles and there were a few that were looking to be a good size. I was all excited as they booked my egg collection in for the end of the week.

When I went back in two days later for my 2nd scan, only 3 follicles had grown to optimum size and I was gutted, I cried! They weren't sure if I had to go ahead with egg collection anyway due to potential OHSS. I had a blood test to confirm my level was ok and I continued to take more injections for a few more days. When I had my EC on the following week my other follicles had caught up and they managed to get 9 eggs (8 of the 9 were mature :) So I must say, although it seems very disappointing at first, don't get too caught up on it as actually, taking a few more days of injections can only help. It's the frustration and disappointment that hits you so I do get it, but you will be ok. Good luck! xx

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to silverlini

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply and share your experiences. Fingers crossed the extra meds will help as they did for you 😃 I need to learn to be more patient! Sorry to see your last post and I hope you’re doing ok x

silverlini profile image
silverlini in reply to Star15

I hope so too! Fingers crossed my love 💗

Thank you, feeling a bit better today xx

Carolina84 profile image

Hi, I’ve had my scan today too and on Friday I was crying as only 2 follicles and today they could see 5! So I’ll continue with injections and next scan on Wednesday and if big enough possible collection on Friday. Now I believe that everything will be fine and trying not to stress too much x Wishing you all the best x

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Hello! Ah I’m so pleased things have turned out well for you! We are at such a similar stage as my next scan will be Wednesday too! Nurse said there is a chance collection could be Friday/Saturday if I respond really well to the upped dose of Gonal-F but thought it was more likely to be Monday. We will see! Off to listen to my mindful IVF app and stay as relaxed as possible 😃 Hope Wednesday goes well for you x

Carolina84 profile image

Star15 how did it go? I’ve got 8 follicles now :)) 18,17, 5x13 and 10mm. Ive got my booster already at home but they just phoned and said to come for another scan on Friday hoping those 13mm will grow and I will have more to collect. So egg collection will be Sunday or Monday I think! So happy :))

Star15 profile image
Star15 in reply to Carolina84

Wow, that’s fab news! Great follicle-growing skills! 😃 Fingers crossed the 13mm ones grow so you have as many as possible!

Not such good news here I’m afraid. I only have 2 follicles that are of a decent size despite upped doses over last few days. Doctor confused as my BMI is ok and ovarian reserve high so not sure why I’ve responded differently to how they’d have expected. Anyway, doctor seemed to think cancelling this cycle might be best but by end of discussion said to carry on with injections til Friday when I’ll have another scan in case the smaller follicles have caught up a bit and to give the two larger ones chance to get to the size needed. Then we will have to decide whether to go ahead with egg collection on Monday or not... If smaller follicles grow by Friday it might be an easier decision but if not it’s going to be tough... It only takes one good egg but obviously the chances of getting one from only two follicles is smaller than with more follicles. Can’t bear the idea of cancelling the cycle but maybe it’d be best... then again there’s no guarantee I’d respond differently next time if we cancelled the cycle and started again. Think it’s going to be a tricky few days coming up.

So pleased all has gone well for you 😃 Do let me know how it goes on Friday x

Carolina84 profile image
Carolina84 in reply to Star15

I’m sure they will caught up! I will keep everything crossed for you! X

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