Advice please?: Anyone have lower back... - Fertility Network UK

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Advice please?

Sammy18 profile image
12 Replies

Anyone have lower back pain in early pregnancy and have a positive outcome? I have had a tiny bit brown discharge (sorry tmi) and a spec of pink Monday but nothing since, slight cramping on and off but my back has been really bad today I have not been able to move much. I have read back pain can be a sign of miscarriage but not pregnancy

I am so nervous and constantly on pins

Thank all xx

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Sammy18 profile image
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12 Replies
forMoira profile image

My mam had a sore back and went to the doctor and it was me! She was pregnant. It was a long time ago but hopefully reassures you a bit.

Hope_4_2017x profile image

I had back pain from very early on in my pregnancy, my little boy is 6 months old now :)

I had backache and period cramps my whole pregnancy even more so the first trimester. I also had spotting/brown blood up till 9w6d and now have a gorgeous little boy who is 1 in 2 weeks. At epu they told me back ache/cramps even spotting normal as everything stretching and why always feeling about to start period. I had the worst pains first few weeks. Congratulations hun x


The 2WW is awful isn’t it?!

I had what I thought was AF cramps 3 days before my period was due & was convinced I was out- it implantation cramps! Also i get backache regularly & im 5 weeks pregnant.

Haha I’m now waiting to get out of the first trimester ,so always waiting 🤣🤣🤣

Wishing you the best & hope your cycle is successful 😘 xoxo

Sammy18 profile image
Sammy18 in reply to

Thank you, I am 5+4 today so I am with you on waiting to get out of the first but at the same time lucky to be in the first just hope it all goes ok. Good luck with your pregnancy. Q

in reply to Sammy18

Sorry damn pregnancy brain, I thought you were on the 2ww!!

I get twinges & cramps it also really worries me.

I’m also 5 weeks 4 days too!!! 😘

From what I’ve read online it is very normal as the baby is growing & uterus is stretching ( but scary isn’t it) & also some spotting at 6 weeks is very normal. Only if it’s bright red & heavy that should be a concern. Do contact your GP if you are worried xoxo

Sammy18 profile image
Sammy18 in reply to

Thank you for your reply. Haha we have the same dates. I have had a fair bit of brown and a bit of red blood but not much. Drs referred me to the epu but they won't see me till tomorrow (I can't go then as it's OH b-day and don't want bad news on his day again, we lost our last on father's Day last year and it was awful) I told the clinic I would deal with it at home and they didn't seem bothered. For now I still have positive test so I guess I'm still pregnant and my cramps have gone so trying to think positive xxx

in reply to Sammy18

Oh my goodness tho what a awful time to lose a baby. Never a good day but Father’s Day how cruel.😢

I had a chemical pregnancy last year & it does makes you worry more.

I had to wait a week & half till scam because bleeding happened so early on 😢 I also wouldn’t want to go to EPU again, really get that.

It’s good that you are getting a positive ( once my chemical pregnancy began I got negative tests) & the fact it’s only light spotting not heavy bleeding is better 😊. With my chemical pregnancy i bled very heavily & i knew it was going. I can understand why you worry tho & id be the same.

I had some severe cramps & twinges with backache & bloated on Wednesday I totally freaked out & thought the worst, but no bleeding ( I was convinced there would be) I’m hoping it’s because there was scar tissue left from endo removal ( it was on my uteroscaral ligaments) & all the uterus expanding is making it flare up 🤞🏻

Also as baby grows your uterus expands you get twinges & cramps but it’s a sign baby is growing well? That’s how I will try to see it.

When are booking to see the midwife? I’ve got to wait till I’m 8 weeks! It seems ages away!! 🤣 It’s one long waiting game xoxo

Sammy18 profile image
Sammy18 in reply to

Thank you that has slightly reassured me on my back ache. It is the most horrible time I want to be happy but am so scared. A simple test by clinics could reassure me but they are not helping, they clearly have no idea how it effects mental health more than anything. I have a scan booked at my clinic on the 22nd Oct, seems ages away. Xxx

Mifkipi profile image

I'm a bfp newbie so I haven't gone through to the back pains yet 😥 but my symptoms are coming and going so try not to worry so much! But having said that every little thing sends a shock down my spine and the first thing I can think of is am I having a MC!!!

in reply to Mifkipi

I do the same if it makes you feel better but hubby tells me it’s normal! It is an anxious time isn’t it xoxo

Mifkipi profile image
Mifkipi in reply to

The first thing I do when I wake up now is to poke my boobs to make sure they are still hurting 😶 sometimes I get so worried I keep poking them at work too 🙄 people must think I'm a weirdo but I can't care less!

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