Has anyone on here been diagnosed with chronic endometritis?...Antibiotics arent working & I'm currently waiting for my medical team to come back with a plan. Would love to hear from anybody w experience of this. Apart from my own health, I also understand if its not cleared up theres a v low rate of success after transfer, thanks so much - this is now our 8th year doing ivf, X.
Chronic endometritis: Has anyone on... - Fertility Network UK
Chronic endometritis
So sorry to hear that you have such struggles, it's not easy at all.
I don't have any experience at all with this but I hope your medical team come up with a plan for you very soon. Xx
Hi Molly, I have standard endometriosis (if there's such a thing). I have a beautiful but cheeky 2 year old and am pregnant at the moment. Both IVF miracles.
It doesn't help everyone, but I adjusted my diet about 5/6 years ago as it was recommended to me and I cannot explain how much better my condition got. I basically cut out meat and dairy and replaced with lots of fruit and veg. I am now vegan and live generally free from the tramadols and daily crippling pain. Obviously that time of the month is still blah, but nowhere near as bad.
Everyone's story/path is different, what works for one of us doesn't for another, but I wanted to share my story, like we do, in the hope it may help you.
Good luck on your journey, I have everything crossed for you.
thank you for taking the tine to reply & hope your pregnancy goes well. Thanks for the tips on how you deal w endometriosis, I also suffer & will definitely look into the meat & dairy issue. Endometritis believe it or not is slightly different, its a bacterial infection in the lining of the uterus which can be caused by/ from ivf procedures, surgeries etc. I had my tubes removed following a miscarriage & think i got it then. Oral Antibiotics havent worked so far but hoping to get iv antibiotics. Thank you again & very best of luck, X
No experience of it myself, just wanted to say good luck x
thank you & the vert best of luck to you too, X.
There is a gal on here called Jess. She is the endo expert lm sure she will offer you great support.
thank you, X
Hi Molly,
How are you now? Hope u doing ok
May i know what are your symptoms?
Hi, thanks, yes finally got the infection cleared up from a course of iv antibiotics. Currently on 2ww so fingers crossed as we ve no more embryos left and this is it for us.
My symptoms was intense pain when I tried to have sex, no other symptom other than that.
Hope that helps, X.

Thanks for the reply Molly.
I'm glad you are feeling much better, hope you will be ok after antibiotic.
How do they diagnose you with endometritis?
May I know when is your past misscariage?
your pain area lower abdominal?
because i try to find answer to the pain i had after D&C
thanks for the info..

Good Luck & pray for you! please update me!
Hi, I would ask your doctor about having a hysteroscopy. If you have pain it means something is wrong. You may have an infection from the D&C. I got an endometrial biopsy done and this identified the infection.
Very best of luck. X.

Dear, when was your miscarriage?
oh sorry i got it
"My symptoms was intense pain when I tried to have sex, no other symptom other than "