Anyone have any experience of being diagnosed with this or treatment options?
We’ve just had our 6th failed ivf attempt after being diagnosed with chronic endometritis flagged by an endometrium assessment at the end of last year (ERA, EMMA, ALICE & NK cells test). Our doctor was confident that a course of antibiotics would clear up the infection and that we should then immediately crack on with transferring one of our pgs tested embryos - which we’ve just done but yet again it’s failed to implant. The earliest appointment we can get with our doctor to try to understand what might have happened is over 2 weeks away and just feel so in limbo about what to think.
She was so sure that this would unlock our reoccurring implantation failure and now it’s not worked I just have no idea where we go from here. If the antibiotics didn’t work to clear up the injection then what will?? I’m so worried there’s something else that our clinic are missing and I just can’t keep putting myself through this anymore - so exhausted by it all