Tips for chronic nausea?: 9 weeks... - Fertility Network UK

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Tips for chronic nausea?

27 Replies

9 weeks pregnant and the nausea has started!! All this time I was wishing for symptoms...big mistake 😓. Does anyone have any tips? Literally gone off everything and nothing seems to settle it, lying in bed all day. The only thing I fancy is ice cold drinks and bored of water but don’t want to harm the bubba with sugary drinks and sweeteners. Thank you!! X

27 Replies

Jacket potato or mash, fish fingers, apple juice, bananas, ginger biscuits are all going down ok with me. Nothing too fatty or acidic, though fruit and veg generally ok. I generally feel better on days where I keep busy, worse if I stay in bed. I have to eat little and often, preferably before I feel hungry, and get enough sleep as it’s worse when tired.Mine is much less severe than it was but at its worst I was still managing lemon and ginger tea and sometimes also a glass of ginger and lemongrass cordial. I really went off water, and barely touch tea which was my favourite drink before I was pregnant.

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks so much Lizzie! I’ve gone off tea which I loved and can’t stand the sight of eggs, beans. Will try some of the tips above!! 😊😘xxx

Gillyc1 profile image

Peppermint tea had eased it a little for my daughter . Has still got it but any relief from it is good xx

in reply to Gillyc1

Thanks Gilly, i’ll give it a go 😘xxx

lou79 profile image

Plain porridge, bananas and sparkling water got me through when I literally could not stand the thought of food or drink. The flat orange lucozade sport also really helped at times. Good luck, I know it is a miserable feeling but it will pass soon xx

in reply to lou79

Thanks so much Lou 😘xxx

Lynnr54 profile image

I found I had to eat carbs. Jacket potato, pasta etc. But I think the main thing that helped me to control it was eating. I’d keep a packet of crackers by my bed and ate one as soon as I woke up. Then I moved all my meals earlier than normal so was eating breakfast an hr earlier, lunch at 12:00 and dinner by 17:30/18:00 then add in a light supper. And I’d graze between meals too. I found if I could eat before it got too bad it didn’t build up as much. I still had mild nausea constantly but nowhere as near what it was. Hope it doesn’t last too long for you.

in reply to Lynnr54

Thanks so much Lynn. Even though I really don’t fancy anything at all, eating is the only time I feel less sick. I’m constantly grazing!! Thanks for taking time to reply 😘 xxx

Becky179 profile image

Hey hon. I'm just 10 weeks. I've had terrible nausea since week 5, and lost weight. I didn't really think anything of it & thought it was normal for morning sickness. however the sickness kicked in at 9 weeks & I was admitted on Thursday to have an IV drip as I've lost 1.4 stone in 2 weeks. They said i have severe hyperemisis gravardium. They gave me anti sickness tablets, which don't seem to work. I also can't eat or drink anything. I've never felt so bad, and been in bed for a week! I did manage some plain mashed potato on Friday. My doctor said if your not managing anything to try some full fat coke to get some sugar in you. Please don't leave it too long. Go to your doctors asap. Xxx

in reply to Becky179

Bless you Becky 😢 that’s absolutely hideous, scary and draining. I was losing weight too but forcing more food down now. Your condition is another level to mine and I pray it settles for you 😘🙏🏼 I’m glad you got some help to stay hydrated and feed the bubba. Us women go through so much but not complaining, it’s taken 6 cycles, 7 transfers and 6 losses to get here. Thinking of you xxx

Becky179 profile image
Becky179 in reply to

Thanks hon. It's been pretty shitty. I hope it doesn't go on the whole time! And I'm doing lots of complaining at the moment 😂. My husband is going crazy! Xx

in reply to Becky179

Moan away!! I make moaning an art form 😂 I hope it passes ASAP!! How wonderful twins ❤️ Total blessing 😊xxx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Becky179

Oh Becky I’m so sorry to hear this, I’ve had friends suffer with the same and it’s really awful. I hope they find some medication that can help you. The three friends I’ve had who had this have all got healthy children now and do say that it was worth it. ❤️❤️

Becky179 profile image
Becky179 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

It's also twins! Which is probably why I've got it. I know it will be worth it in the end, but it's difficult to be positive at the moment! 😂 xxx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Becky179

I would be moaning like crazy. Your hubbie just has to put up with it- would he rather be the one being sick?! 😂

Stepharni profile image

I was horribly sick (like one long hangover!) to the point of crying at the dinner table faced with a meal I just couldnt stomach! I ate what I liked - which was utter crap for quite a few wks (quavers,white bread,spuds, chips)! We had been on a really super duper diet prior to treatment and I hated the fact I thought I wasn't giving the baby good food but our professor said it didn't matter, just keeping food down was a challenge. I also ate ALOT of sweets which seemed to help with watering mouth (bad for teeth I know!) You could try Saltine biscuits (American but order online) they have sodium in them and helped me a lot-keep a few by your bedside and munch in the night to keep you steady? Little and often eating too. Hope it eases. It's a really good sign though as your hormones are increasing xxx

in reply to Stepharni

Thanks so much Stepharni 😘xxx

precioce profile image

For me, simple foods, small and often as being hungry made me feel sick and eating too much made me feel sick. I normally love vegetables but they are currently out of bounds. Personally I feel better earlier in the day, once I am out of bed, and it's late afternoon that is a nightmare so I try to get as much of the good stuff that I can stomach in me whilst I know I am feeling as good as it gets! Also, sleeping more than I ever have helps me get through the days.... Good luck.xx

in reply to precioce

Great advice! Thanks so much 😘 I also feel better in the morning and nauseaous afternoon/evening xxx

precioce profile image
precioce in reply to

You are welcome. I am living on water too as I have gone off pretty much all other drinks. We'll get on the other side of this though. I try not to complain as I know how lucky we are to be here. Every day my husband asks how I feel and when I say rubbish he celebrates as he sees that as a positive sign. I have pre-warned him that it should hopefully ease off soon. Right, off to endure another evening :)xx

in reply to precioce

Bless you!! You both sound exactly like us!! Has been a struggle to get here and feel v blessed but when you’re feeling poorly nothing like a therapeutic moan 😉😘xxx

So true!! Gone off some of my favourite foods and don’t fancy anything but trying to eat more when less sick xxx

Smang profile image

I’ve had bad nausea the last few weeks, while ginger ale and lemonade initially helped. I have now developed acid reflux, so between the nausea, I’m not trying to balance the acid reflux which causing me to be sick. I had my midwife appt today and I’ve lost 3.5 kg. So be careful with carbonated and citric drinks, as you don’t want to end up like me. She gave me some suggestions of making smoothies that are water based, going to try that today.

Hi Natalia44, I have never been pregnant myself, but having had nausea before for other reasons... I found that *chewing gum* helps... Just in case. Hopefully it won't last too long though... Best wishes xx

in reply to

Thanks Vanna 😘 normally I love a bit of gum but minty flavours make me feel sick. I might try some fruity ones though 😉. Good luck with your journey and ask me anything. I have so much experience after 6 cycles and ivf here, in Spain and in the US xxx

DisneyJL profile image

Ginger biscuits, ginger/lemon & ginger tea, & have you tried acupressure bracelets? They’re worth a try - drug free, reasonably priced & reusable! 😊

in reply to DisneyJL

Thanks so much 😘xxx

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