Hi lovely people, hope you're all well and wishing you the best whereever you're at in your journey. According to the date I had egg collection and everything was mixed I am 10 weeks plus 1 but when I went for the viability scan a couple of weeks ago when I should have been 7 plus 2 embie measured at 7 plus 1 but they wrote on my discharge papers I was 7 plus 4 and only gave me enough clexane to last up to 12 weeks. I met the midwife the following Friday which would have made me 8 plus 6 but she said according to her notes I wasn't even 8 weeks yet. I'm so confused on what dates to go by but I am certain the midwife is wrong. I've booked an appointment with the gp to get extra clexane just incase she delays my 12 week scan and I run out of clexane on the mean time. She also suggested I might not get the hospital I want despite me being referred by my lupus specialist as this hospital has more experience with lupus pregnancies hence the extra stress- i'm also worried with the midwife's dates I will have to wait even longer for the scan and i'm desperate to see what's going on and I keep thinking something is wrong as i've been classed as a high risk pregnancy. I also keep being throwing up bile several times a day and i'm struggling to eat or drink regularly as I pretty much throw up straight after (mostly bile hardly a any food- it's like my body knows I need the food). This can make it worse as I just end up doing lots of burping or wretching, ending up with sore throat and headache. I am obviously grateful to be pregnant but I am getting stressed dealing with, especially now i'm back at work(secondary school teacher). I was actually late this morning because of it and no one knows i've had ivf yet, another worry as after having a lot of staff off on maternity last year our HOD has made several comments that she hopes no one else will go maternity leave! I believe this are meant in jest but sometimes she sounds so serious and she isn't someone who is interested in having children. Sorry for the rant. Just needed to get the worries out x
Stressed!: Hi lovely people, hope you... - Fertility Network UK

Poor you 🙁 Doesn’t sound like you’re having an easy time of it.. I don’t know what to suggest to help you sort everything out. It’s not fair on you to have all this extra stress. Can you afford to book a private scan? I know that won’t sort the other issues but it might give you some reassurance and a little bit of happiness xx
Thanks for replying- I think I really needed to get it all out. Feeling a little overwhelmed with everything and I've been given some difficult classes this year just to add to it. Think I may book a private scan just for my own sanity. How are you holding up? Hope you get your positive at the end of the TWW xx
I cannot shed any light on dates as we have had so much confusion about ours too.
My gp / midwife all had different views and dates have changed at each scan.
Now it seems my conception date is way before I had my period! So it doesn't make sense to me either.
Sorry a bit of a ramble - but feel your pain. I am not on meds though so not as stressful at all as your situation.
Would you book an early private scan if you are worried?
Sorry you’re having such a stressful time when you should be relaxing and enjoying being pregnant. I would definitely recommend a private scan between your viability scan and your 12 week scan just for reassurance and they might be able to give you a more accurate EDD. We’re classed as a high risk pregnancy too and paid for one at about 9 weeks. As for the dates I think it’s not uncommon for dates to change. My due date has changed three times. They go off the size of the baby at uss which is ridiculous for us ivf ladies because we know exactly when the baby was conceived!! I used this online calculator to check my dates based on the ivf and it worked out the same as what I had worked it out as however the sonographer has dated me as being 3 days ahead of what I am and the midwife couldn’t get her head around my ivf dates and dated me as being 5 days behind what I am so I totally get your frustration especially when you need medication. As for you not getting the hospital you want, speaking as a nurse it’s meant to be your choice where you are treated so speak to your GP about that when you go to see if there’s anything they can do to help. Wishing you lots of luck and a healthy pregnancy xxx
Thank you hun. Just checked on the site you suggested and it agreed I was 10 plus 2 and due 1st April. Also booked a private scan for Sunday when I'm 10 plus 6. Typical that my hospital letter came today but got the hospital I wanted - scan not until 28th which puts me at 13 plus 4 xx
Hi darling, check this website to find how many weeks pregnant you are.
IVF pregnancies are calculated differently, so maybe your midwife isn’t experienced enough in IVF pregnancies and doesn’t know it.
If I were you, I would book a private scan. Good luck xxx!
Thank you lovely. Just checked on the site you recommended and it agreed I was 10 plus 2 and due 1st April. Also booked a private scan for Sunday when I'm 10 plus 6. Typical that my hospital letter came today but got the hospital I wanted - scan not until 28th which puts me at 13 plus 4 xx
Sorry to hear you’re having such a stressful time. If the sickness is really bad- see your GP for some anti-sickness tablets.
I’m 21 weeks now from a frozen transfer and at my early scans, baby was measuring a bit further along but the sonographer said that was common for IVF babies. My due date has stayed the same as what I calculated based on embryo transfer and I’ve been told by the team, that they don’t change it with IVF pregnancies even if the scan suggests otherwise.
Glad to hear you got the hospital that you wanted but feel for you for having to wait until 13 weeks for the scan.
Ignore your HOD- know it is easier said than done, but this is your precious journey and you just do what feels best for you. Xxx
I thought the choice of hospital was up to you- it is in our area anyway!
Most reliable dates are those done during your 11-13 weeks scan- but I would have thought that with it being ivf you could use one of the ivf calculators online and work out the date. The ivf clinic will know what your dates are and I believe there is some leeway in measurement dates in early scans so if they say 7+4 then i would go with that.
If you’re not happy with your midwife you could ring up and ask to be transferred to another midwife, it’s possible that you need one who is more experienced and better at reassuring you!
I’m a high risk pregnancy too but I’m only classed as this as am first baby, ivf baby and over 35. Those three risk factors together are enough to class you as high risk but that’s a good thing as it means you should receive consultant led care and maybe even extra scans later on. It doesn’t mean you need to worry unduly.
Re the nausea, I couldn’t believe how dreadful I felt. If you aren’t keeping food down then tell your gp so you can get medication. Otherwise try to eat little and often, high carbs and eat what you fancy. My midwife told me the baby will take what it needs so just make sure you eat what you can and don’t stress about not being able to have your normal healthy diet.