I have just had my bfp after my 2nd cycle of ICSI, I took leave for my 2ww and now I am dreading going back to full time work on Monday. I work on my feet all day and I am so worried that something bad will happen if I’m tired or stressed at work?
Work life after an ivf BFP? - Fertility Network UK
Work life after an ivf BFP?

What symptoms did u have in ur 2ww??? Please tell me Gem5.iam 12 dp5dt and still now I have no symptoms at all
I feel so normal....iam in a great dilemma
I didn’t have any symptoms in the 2WW. Maybe slightly fuller boobs but no more than for aunt flow. Didn’t really have any symptoms until 6 weeks. As others said we are all different so hard to know how you will feel. All the best x
Hey hun, i went back to work this week after having the tww off work and getting my bfp and i’ve found it quite hard, i too work full time and i am on my feet all day aswell and i’ve been absoloutly shattered i’ve come home and had to have a nap and still been in bed for 9pm! I don’t know what to do other than ask to cut my hours! Xx
Oh dear sounds like you are in the same predicament as me! I know I’m going to be tired going back as I normally am shattered after a day there. I’m thinking of cutting my hrs too, just until I’m out the woods?
I can’t believe how shattered i am, i’ve had lower back pain aswell, which has been so uncomfortable. I’m absoloutly paranoid somethings going to go wrong from now until my scan on 14th xx
That’s how I feel, my first round failed and I went back to work throughout, this round I took a 2week break and I’m bfp. I really can’t help to think that me taking it easy helped a little, I’m so worried that me being tired from work will have detrimental consequences😢
I just gave up on all evening activities, was in bed between 7:30pm and 8:30 pm every night, naps on days off, partner had to take over most cleaning, all food shopping and food preparation, not that I fancied much anyway as had sickness so lived on microwave meals. Make sure you take any breaks you are entitled to and remember that being absolutely shattered is both normal and a sign of healthy pregnancy.
I don’t think there’s any harm in asking to cut your hours if you’re able to. I went part time after my 3rd cycle of IVF as I knew juggling the 2 was becoming more and more difficult. Congrats again on your BFP xx
Congratulations again your yours! How are you going to manage work life with your bfp?
Being part time I think will help as I’m already so tired in the afternoons. I’m just going to see how it goes and adjust my hours if I need to, I think my hubby would just wrap me up in bubble wrap if we could afford to 😂
My husbands all to pleased to boot me off to work 😉 but I know he will agree to go part time as a precaution? I would hate to think I didn’t do all I could if the worst happens x
Haha! It’s tough as I’ve worked full time and part time in my previous 2 pregnancies and they both ended in mmc so I don’t personally think it’s down to the job (in terms of how many hrs you work) that mean something bad would happen. But if it helps relive some stress then yeah going part time would help xx
You can always get signed off by your doctor if it is too much for you? Xxx
Congratulations on your BFP!!! Amazing news! I would see how you feel and go with your gut, or get signed of - as EB2001 mentioned got to put yourself and little bean first! Xx 💞
After having my bfp and going back to work I really struggled I also got struck with a lot of pregnancy sickness. I also worked full time and on my feet all day but just listen to your body I told my manager very early on so that she wouldn't mind if I phoned in sick or had a sit down and nibble whenever I felt a bit run down.
Just listen to your body and if you feel over stressed try and come away for a minute and have a breather.
All went well though and I now have a 5 month old baby xxx
I worked part time following my BFP. My job is not physical but emotionally quite draining- working actually helped the days go past til the next important scan. I was hugely tired in the evenings (not helped by progesterone injections). Do what feels right for your body but I think it is good to try to continue as normal a life as possible. I used to train regularly at the gym prior to pregnancy and restarted at around 10 weeks. Just had my 20 week scan today and all looking good so far.
If you have twins or bad morning sickness then it can be a much different experience. X
Congratulations! You must be over the moon 🤗
Being tired or stressed won’t affect the pregnancy, it’s mostly down to the embryo at this stage 🤞🤞
Congratulations! ❤️
I went back to work after 2ww and BFP, but I was bleeding so my doctor decided I must stay at home until the bleeding will stop or until 1st US.
Sooo... i'm still at home, waiting to scan next week.
All the best! 🍀
Hey I went back to work 4 days after embryo transfer, I was exhausted but as others have said inform work and they should be supportive. Pregnancy is exhausting anyway and with ivf and meds etc it’s tough. I had IVF in Spain the advice I was given after transfer was to “carry in as normal but a little bit less”. Kinda made sense to me. As someone else said here, if you go to work maybe keep your evenings free so you can get back your energy. I had blood clots and bleeds early on, stress, sickness etc but I am currently 22 weeks pregnant. I know I still have a long way to go. However, What I have learnt so far is that the little embryos can be very tough and resilient. The amount of times I thought I’d loose the pregnancy and so far I haven’t. EPU explained to me that if it is strong and healthy it will stick and grow, it’s well protected in there and you can carry on the day to day. If it doesn’t stick it will unlikely be anything you have done wrong. I understand we need to feel we have given it our best chance though so when I had the bleed, Spain told me to rest and increase progesterone until it stopped. I am writing in hindsight which is a wonderful thing. I was as worried as you and have lots of early scans to reassure me and only now I wish I had tried to relax a little and trust my body to do its thing. This is a tough journey and work will understand and look out for you if you explain how you feel I’m sure. Sorry for the essay, not sure if it’s helpful, all the best chick XX
Easier said than done but try not to worry. I’m a children’s nurse and am busy and on my feet and am 18 weeks pregnant with my little ivf miracle. I think it’s best to keep busy and get on with life! Xx
Maybe compression socks can help since you work on your feet? I work sitting in an office, and my new obsession is drinking loads of water/liquids and not to stress at all.
Congratulations on your positive! I didn't know when I was pregnant but you are supposed to tell work so they can carry out a risk assessment. I had a very active job working will children so I can't believe I was so naive! If you feel you can you should tell HR or your manager so they can ensure there is no risk to you. Or if you're like me and want to keep quiet until you've had your ultrasound then take it easy as much as you can... Early nights, healthy snacks.
Good luck!
Could you put in for a flexible work request? That is my plan if all goes well. Does your work know anything of your treatment too?
And lastly - massive congratulations on your BFP!