Wow things are getting real. How do i... - Fertility Network UK

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Wow things are getting real. How do i choose (donor) ?

12 Replies

I've had the email from the clinic in Cyprus with a list of 3 donors. All students aged 23 to 24. One is from Poland, one is British and one is Hungarian. All roughly same height, blue eyes and blonde hair. Now i have to pick one?! So bizarre. I don't know what to do! X

12 Replies
Billywhizz10 profile image

We picked our donor based on the closest match to my wife , so we got past blue eyes and brunette, it was personal stuff (if they are college educated) like if they liked music, hobbies, etc.

We had treatment in the UK, so we knew one day our daughter ( my wife is 30 weeks) could trace this donor , so I don't know if that's why our clinic had so much info on our donor.

Best of luck to you, and when it works you wont care about any of this, you'll just love the new baby with all your heart.

in reply to Billywhizz10

Thanks Billywhizz10. Yeah im gonna message back and see if theres anymore info about them. Its beginning to feel more real now!

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to

Once you hear the heartbeat and see that baby outline on your 12 weeks scan, all these things seem so far away that we were worried about, will we love the baby if we use donor eggs, will it feel like ours, what will she look like, all of it disappears - the baby's own personality as an individual really kicks in. xx

Missy_22 profile image

I know it so very hard. Ask the clinic what they are studying as they are all students. That helped us decide to xxx good luck xxx

in reply to Missy_22

Thanks Missy_22 yes shes given me a list of 3 but all 3 are just different nationalities and all the same height and weight. I know you dont get a photo but i havent got anything else to go on X

Missy_22 profile image
Missy_22 in reply to

I know I had 6 to choose from and my first thought was British. But when I got a list of what they were studying we went with Dutch as my husband and I are both academic. it might help you. I know it is hard without a picture xxx

in reply to Missy_22

Yeah my partner said British before and I said Hungarian 😂. Feel like im at a supermarket! I will wait for Andri to email me back and see what she says. Thanks 😘

Cinderella5 profile image

I found this pretty tough to be honest. I definitely did want the physical characteristics like eyes and hair colour etc. We got a bit more info about hobbies and what they did for a living, education and it may well help if you can get information like this. However when it came down to chosing I was still stumped, the donor had hobbies that were nothing like mine (so in my head I thought oh I cant have her as she is nothing like me) - I think I was almost looking for a carbon copy of myself which isnt going to happen. After all there is only 1 of me! I spoke with my clinic coordinator and she explained that the basics are just the basics and its nurture that brings kids on in life, how they are brought up etc. As parents we are just there to bring out the best in children whatever that may be. Now I dont really give it a second thought and Im just grateful that someone was willing to give their eggs to give us a chance at being parents! Good luck!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks Cinderella5. I have emailed the woman at the clinic to see whether she can give me any more info. I will love the baby anyway Xx

Aleelilook profile image

Ah tricky (understatement!!) I hope the clinic are helpful. Once we got the physical attributes similar to mine it was really important they had similar traits to me, so creativity was massively important to me. I do have to say though when the eggs fertilised they immediately felt like mine, the embryologist even congratulated me on my excellent embryos!😂😆sending you lots of luck on your new journey xxx

in reply to Aleelilook

Thanks Aleelilook weve decided on the UK donor now as she's confirmed the UK one looks more like me. She likes swimming and is studying economics. My partner and son love swimming too X

We didnt have a choice. We were just told it would take ages to find a match as we are so tall. Then we were eventually given our donor. We know nothing other than her age.

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